
Testing site to learn .NET MVC, Fluent Nhibernate, StructureMap, AutoMapper, JQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Section 1: Thanks
	Credit given to the Internet and smarter people whose code I lifted. 

Section 2: About
	This is a work in progress. Don't assume anything here works.  If it does work, don't assume it's
	well coded.  The main goal of this project is to be an intro into .NET MVC and to learn.  I also 
	heard chicks dig .NET MVC, so that's probably the best reason for this project.  Also, if you feel 
	the need to comment or complain about something, make sure you do it pulchritudinously or I won't be 
	able to hear it. 

Section 3: What is done 	
	-FNH is wired up and working (or is it?)
	-StructureMap wired up and working (as far as I know)
	-AutoMapper wired up not being used within the Program/{Index pages}(Guess it's not so 'Auto')

Section 3: What needs to be done
	Find smart people to do work for me
	Formatting (ie. find creative hippie...beard and long hair optional)
	Implement Edit/Update/Delete
	Create Master/Details using JQuery
	FAQ (been started)
	Model Binding