
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


conda create -n introdl python=3.9
conda activate introdl
- if mac user:
    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch
- else:
    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.3 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -r requirements.txt

To download fMRI datasets, run

PYTHONPATH=./ python scripts/download_datasets.py

To generate synthetics datasets, run

PYTHONPATH=./ python scripts/generate_datasets.py



for model in lstm mean_lstm transformer mean_transformer dice
    for dataset in cobre abide synth1 synth2
        PYTHONPATH=./ python scripts/run_experiments.py --mode tune --model $model --ds $dataset --prefix test
        PYTHONPATH=./ python scripts/run_experiments.py --mode exp --model $model --ds $dataset --prefix test


PYTHONPATH=./ python scripts/run_experiments.py --mode tune --model lstm --ds abide --prefix test
PYTHONPATH=./ python scripts/run_experiments.py --mode exp --model lstm --ds abide --prefix test


For model introspection to work you need to move (or copy) the exp folder of the desired model from the assets/logs to assets/trained_models. Choose the same --prefix as the prefix of your desired model's folder. We uploaded some tained weights; use introdl prefix for them.

for model in lstm mean_lstm transformer mean_transformer dice
    for dataset in cobre abide synth1 synth2
        PYTHONPATH=./ python scripts/run_introspection.py --model $model --ds $dataset --methods saliency --prefix introdl


PYTHONPATH=./ python scripts/run_introspection.py --model lstm --ds abide --methods saliency --prefix introdl

Options for scripts/run_experiments.py


  • --mode:
    • tune - tune mode: run multiple experiments with different hyperparams
    • exp - experiment mode: run experiments with best hyperparams found in the tune mode
    • resume - see below
  • --model: some of the working models; check the sourse code for more info
    • lstm
    • mean_lstm
    • transformer
    • mean_transformer
    • dice
  • --ds: dataset for the experiments
    • cobre
    • abide
    • synth1
    • synth2


  • --prefix: custom prefix for the project

    • default prefix is UTC time
    • appears in the name of logs directory and the name of WandB project
    • tune->exp experiments will use the same prefix (unless it is default)
    • don't use - character in the prefix
    • don't use resume or tune as a prefix
  • --multiclass: some datasets have multiple classes (default: False); pass --multiclass if you want to load all classes

  • --zscore: whether dataset should be zscored over time direction (default: False); pass --zscore if you want zscore the data

  • --filter-indices: whehter ICA components in real-world fMRI data should be filtered (default: True); pass --no-filter-indices if you want to load all ICA components

  • --max-epochs - max epochs to use (default: 200)

  • --n-splits - number of splits for StratifiedKFold cross-validation (default=5):

    • the ds dataset is split in num-splits equally sized folds
  • --n-trials - number of trials for each test fold (default=50 for tune and 10 for exp):

    • in tune it equals to number of different hyperparams sets tested on each fold
    • in exp mode, for each trial, a new seed for train_test_split is used for splitting train-val dataset into train and val datasets
    • important note: if you provide the same num-splits and num-trials for different experiments on the same dataset, datasets splits will be the same
  • --batch-size - batch size (default: 64)

  • --patience - patience for early stopping (default: 30)

Required for resume mode

  • --mode:
    • resume - resume mode: for resuming interrupted experiment
  • --path:
    • path to the interrupted experiment (e.g., /Users/user/intro-dl-project/assets/logs/prefix-mode-model-ds)