Pod Test Repo

To do before each breakout session:

git pull on the main branch.

  • To check which branch you are on, use git branch
  • To change to main use, git checkout main.
  • Then you can do git pull.

When you pull, you will get all the new files and changes made by our pod. You will also be able to find the class challenges in the challenge folder.

Make a copy of the challenge file

If there is a prewritten python file for the challenge, make a copy of it into your folder like this:

From inside the folder where the challenge file is:


cp temperature.py ../../serena_killion_folder

To do after you complete your challenge:

Please do not push on main!

Create your own branch. A good branch name should describe be description. for our purposes, using your name and the challenge name is sufficient. For example: serena-temperature

  • git checkout -b [YOUR_BRANCH_NAME] --> git checkout -b serena-temperature

  • git status -> check for new or modified files

  • git add [FILE NAME] --> add file so git will track it

  • git commit -m "YOUR_COMMIT_MESSAGE" --> commit file to git

  • git push --> push it to the repo

  • Now go to your pod's repo on GitHub.com and find the button to create a pull request.

  • Make sure your base is your pod's repo (for example: pod5_test_repo) and not Justice-Through_Code/pod_test_repo

  • Give a short description of your code and any questions you might have

  • Create Pull Request

Your T.A will review your pull request, make any comments, and merge into the pod repo!


This is the test repo for Pod 6 Superstars. Here is where you will get plenty of practice in using github to do collaborations, version control, push, pull and merge requests. This may seem challenging in the beginning, but the more you practice, the more muscle memory you will gain to embed the process in your mind.