
Terraform deploying with NixOS

Primary LanguageNix

NixOS terraform cloud vm

Variables of AWS

// working on

Variables of Hetzner

// working on

Variables of Linode

// working on


Secrets variables use terraform.tfvars file:

touch ./terraform.tfvars

Add variable for AWS:

echo -e "access_key = \"<accessKey>\"
secret_key = \"<secretKey>\"
aws_region = \"<region>\"
ami_id = \"<amiId>\"
instance_type = \"<instanceType>\"" > ./terraform.tfvars

Add variable for Hetzner:

echo -e "hcloud_token = \"<hcloud_token>\"
location = \"<location>\"
image = \"<image>\"
server_type = \"<server_type>\"" > ./terraform.tfvars

Add variable for Linode: