
PortfΓ³lio: Pabloarruda Github: Pablo-aa

Attention 🚨

As you've already seen, my name is Pablo Araujo and I'm a developer. Welcome to my Github, please feel free to get in touch with me πŸ‘‹

Programming world 🌎

Interests = ['Web/app development', 'Competitive programming', 'Artificial inteligence', 'Entrepreneurship']  

Skills = {
        Frontend: ['VueJs', 'ReactJs', 'Typescript', 'React Native'],
        Backend: ['NodeJs', 'Firebase'],
        Design: ['Figma', 'Gimp'],
        AI: ['Scikit learn', 'Pandas'],
        Competitive_programming: ['C++', 'Codeforces'],
        Languages: ['Javascript', 'Typescript', 'C', 'C++', 'Python'],
Projects = { 
        Cosseno: {
            type: 'Web App',
            description: 'The oficial student platform',
            status: 'released πŸš€',
        Personal: ['Learning competitive programming', 'developing applications', 'Making some curious projects'],

πŸš€ Cosseno

Site: Instagram: cosenooficial Youtube: cosenooficial

πŸ‘‹ Get in touch

Linkedin: Pabloarruda Gmail: pablo-aa Codeforces: pablo_aaaa Github: Pabloarruda