

Built with React, TailwindCSS & Sanity.

Share beautiful images with others

Share pictures with other users, download or save the ones you like.

Link your images to external sources

You can add links to your social media accounts where the pictures exists to drive more engagement.

Sanity Backend

The Sanity backend has similarities with MongoDB/Mongoose and uses a query language similar to GraphQL which means you don't get redudant data. Sanity takes away the stress of dealing with controllers and routes, so all you have to do is define your Schemas. Check it out here

Minimalist UI made with TailwindCSS

TailwindCSS makes sytling easy. Think of not having t add media queries to all components of your app.

Your privacy is a priority

Login in with your Google account, everything is managed by Google using the react-google-login. Only required cookies are colleted, your data is safe.