
Remove hard deps on certifi and chardet

augustozanellato opened this issue · 5 comments

In the project's requirements.txt there are hard dependencies on certifi and chardet on some old versions, those packages aren't used anywhere in the library, they're just indirect dependencies and are probably in requirements.txt because someone did a pip freeze.
At a quick glance a correct requirements.txt for this project would just be:

pablo commented

Implemented, so most likely the issue can be closed.

Implemented, so most likely the issue can be closed.

I don't see the needed changes on master branch.

EDIT: the wheel uploaded to PyPI for version 1.1.4 also doesn't have the fix

@augustozanellato addressed this on this pr:

  • #45
    pypi release 1.1.5 should be available within 10 min from now

Thanks ^_^