
Construção do novo framework de bot para a A.I. Networks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Useful Links

  • Stream: Build a Customer Support Chat Bot with LUIS, React Hooks, Azure Serverless and Stream
  • AutoPilot: Build a Chatbot for your React App using Twilio Autopilot
  • Udemy: Create Chatbot for Website with React and Node.js
  • Cisco: Interact with the Cisco partner API's
  • react-simple-chatbot: React Simple Chatbot
  • freeCodeCamp: How to build a chatbot with React
  • react-simple-chatbot-docs: Documentation for React Simple Chatbot
  • Medium: May I help you?
  • Pizza: Pizza Builder with Chatbot

Running the App:

docker-compose up -d --build --remove-orphans