
esp32-dallas-temperature is an automated background service for ESP32 to read DS18B20 digital temperature sensors in ESP-IDF.


  • Multi-sensor
  • Auto-detect sensors
  • Hot-plug & Un-plug
  • Event-based


Example project

Check out the example project at

Setup workspace

This is an ESP-IDF component. To include it in your project, you can clone this repository into the components folder in your project.

git clone --recurse-submodules

Notice the --recurse-submodules option. This component depends on esp32-ds18b20 and esp32-owb by DavidAntliff.

Include dallas_temperature.h in your source files to use it.

#include "dallas_temperature.h"

Setting up

This component data is stored in a dallas_temperature_t structure. Create an instance of this type in your program and populate it with default values:

dallas_temperature_t dallas_temperature = DALLAS_TEMPERATURE_DEFAULT();

After creating the structure you can customize its configuration:

dallas_temperature.config.bus_gpio = (gpio_num_t) 32;
dallas_temperature.config.enable_crc = true;
dallas_temperature.config.sampling_period = 5;

For a full list of fields check out its declaration in dallas_temperature.h.

Start dallas_temperature service:


And register for events:

esp_event_handler_register_with(dallas_temperature.event_loop, DALLAS_TEMPERATURE_EVENT_BASE, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, event_handler, NULL);

Where the parameter event_handler is the name of the function you create to handle events. The list of possible events can be found in dallas_temperature.h. Check out ESP-IDF documentation on the Event Library for more information.


If you find a bug, improve documentation, add a feature, or anything else, I encourage you to open an issue and/or make a pull request.

When contributing, please follow Espressif IoT Development Framework Style Guide and their Documenting Code Guide

Licensed under the MIT License.

Referenced sub-modules are property of its creator(s) and published under their own license. Check out their respective repositories for more information.