Disasters on Social Media
This is my capstone project for Udacity Machine Learning nanodegree.
I picked one of Kaggle’s “Getting Started” competitions on Natural Language Processing for my capstone project. The competition is Real or Not? NLP with Disaster Tweets, and can be found on Kaggle’s website at: https://www.kaggle.com/c/nlp-getting-started/overview/evaluation
The goal of this project is to build a machine learning model that predicts which Tweets are about real disasters and which ones aren’t.
Watch a video of it working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzGzzTPXokE
Software and libraries used
I implemented this solution on Amazon Sagemaker. No special libraries have been used that are not included in Amazon Sagemaker.
Description of notebooks
cp00-data-analysis.ipynb: This notebook is used to analyze the dataset and generate the information included in the related section of the report.
cp01-pytorch-bagofwords.ipynb: This notebook contains the code for the first model I built, based on PyTorch and bag-of-words technique with single words.
cp02-pytorch-2grams.ipỳnb: Similarly to the previous one, this notebook contains the code for the second model, that uses 2-grams instead of single words.
cp03-blazingtext.ipynb: This notebook uses BlazingText algorithm to solve the problem.
cp99-leaderboard-analysis.ipynb: Analysis of the leaderboard studying the performance of the model built.
input: Contains all datasets needed to run the notebooks.
train: Contains code needed to create the PyTorch model.
data: Temporary folder to store model resources.
Other files
website.html: Website to make predictions using the model. The endpoint is not online and it cannot be tested without setting it up.
proposal.pdf: Project proposal.
report.pdf: Project report.