- Python 2.7
- bind9, rndc
Ensure named is configured to write stats to a file when
rndc stats
is called. -
Copy bind9_parse.py to /root.
Add to root crontab (
crontab -u root -e
):*/5 * * * * /path/to/rndc stats;/root/bind9_parse.py < /path/to/named.stats >> /path/to/bind-request-count.log
Every 5 minutes, the script will parse the named stats file and track how many requests have been made. The result is written to stdout in the format:
<timestamp> <request_count>
$ ./bind9_analyze.pl < /path/to/bind-request-count.log > /path/to/analysis.log
This will analyze the logged data and provide a time-stamped report of how many requests were received per reporting interval and will end the report with the calculated requests-per-second.
Named stats get reset when the service restarts. To account for this, the script watches for a resetting of the request count and goes into an accumulation mode to account for the rebasing of the count. The best way to avoid missing counts is to keep the time between cron runs low, 5 minutes in the example above. The best time will vary based on how often your service is restarted.