
Collection of super minimal Arch Linux wallpapers based on famous color schemes.


Arch Linux minimal wallpapers

Check out the wallpapers here

This repsitory contains a collection of minimal Arch wallpapers, all the themes are made by two colors and look like the above template.

If you want to contribute to the repository, check this file

The themes have been created following the pallete of some famous color schemes, they have been created using two colors:

  • The most important color: for the background of the wallpaper.
  • The contrast / focus color of the pallete: for the Arch Linux logo.


This repository was originally created to implement a small script I programmed for changing the theme of the my terminal, my window manager (qtile) and my wallpaper. You can check my dotfiles here

Read the License of the repository here

Created by Pablo Corbalán @pablocorbalann