
Weather Station with ESP8266 (nodemcu v1.0), using sensors of wind spped and direction with RS845 MODBUS protocol of communication. Sensor of temperature and humidity. Use Firebase to database.

MIT LicenseMIT

Weather Station


Estación Meterológica, integrando sensores de velocidad y dirección de viento, temperatura y humedad.


  • ESP8266 (nodemcu v1.0) --> tested with IDE version 1.8.7 and 1.8.9
  • wind speed --> RS485 MODBUS protocol of communication
  • wind direction --> RS485 MODBUS protocol of communication
  • MAX485 --> TTL to RS485
  • DS18B20--> 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
  • AHT10 --> Integrated temperature and humidity sensor, i2C


Type Pin Description
SCL D1 I2C communication
SDA D2 I2C communication
Input/Output D3 OneWire Bus
Output D4 LED
RX1 D5 Serial Recive pin
TX1 D6 Serial Transmit pin
RX2 D7 Serial Recive pin
TX2 D8 Serial Transmit pin
Output GPIO9 RS485 Controller
Output GPIO10 RS485 Controller

External libraries