
sources for my personal static webpage and blog

Primary LanguageHTML


This is the code to generate the current version of my personal webpage (https://pablodecm.com) that will be improved in the future.


The following instructions have only been tested with with MacOS and python3.9. It is recommended to create a virtual environment.

First we need to use Git to clone this repository, ideally using the recursive flag to also include the theme:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:pablodecm/pablodecm.com.git

We can the access the project and create a virtual environment:

cd pablodecm.com
python3.9 -m venv pelican_env
source pelican_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

We should now have all key software dependencies but we also need to bring the pelican plugins to this folder:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:getpelican/pelican-plugins.git

We can the simply use either standard pelican commands or those in the Makefile to do the different operations:

make html # creates html output
make serve # serves output
make devserve # serves output in auto-reload mode