Chef-GPT: AI Cooking Assistant

A web application that provides personalized recipe suggestions based on ingredients you have at hand, powered by OpenAI's GPT model.



AI Cooking Assistant is designed to help you figure out what to cook with the ingredients you already have. Simply input your available ingredients, and the AI will suggest a range of recipes for you to try out. This solution aims to reduce food waste and make cooking at home more accessible and creative.


  • Ingredient-based recipe search
  • Detailed recipe instructions
  • Links to full recipes
  • Dark mode UI for enhanced readability

Technologies Used

  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript for frontend development
  • Python (Flask) for the backend server
  • OpenAI API for generating recipe suggestions


  1. Navigate to the website.
  2. Enter the ingredients you have in the search box.
  3. Click 'Get Recipe' to receive suggestions.
  4. Click on a recipe card to view detailed instructions.


Thanks to OpenAI for providing the GPT API used in this project.