Automated KPI-based Excel Data Processing and Reporting

This project automates the processing of reports from Excel files and generates comprehensive worksheets containing the desired data. It is particularly useful for handling reports related to network performance.

Key Features

Data Processing

  • The code efficiently reads data from two separate Excel files that contain extensive network performance information.
  • It processes and organizes the data, focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) related to network performance.

Combining Data

  • The processed data from the two input Excel files is seamlessly combined into a single output file.
  • The code creates a new Excel where each worksheet corresponds to a different network performance metric.
  • This consolidation simplifies data analysis and report generation.

User-Friendly Interface

  • Accessible via a user-friendly website created with Flask, this tool provides an intuitive and graphical interface for users to submit their Excel documents.

  • Users can easily input time ranges and upload their files for processing.


Generating Output

  • The code generates a neatly formatted Excel file, making it easy to explore the organized data.
  • Each worksheet within the output file represents a distinct network performance metric, enabling efficient data analysis and reporting.