
Export Rhino Scene Objects To JSON

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Export Rhino Scene Objects To JSON

Export plugin for Rhino v5

RhinoToJson plugin export allows you to save parts of your Rhino scene into JSON format. JSON is handy when building WebGL based applications, using game engines, such as THREEJS.


Technically this plugin is a very basic implementation of RCvA3C codebase. RCvA3c is Rhinocommon implementation of GHva3c plugin, which was created to work on Grasshopper 3d (Rhino visual scripting environment).


You can download this plugin for free from food4rhino website. Install via Rhino installer, start Rhino, in command line interface, enter command RhinoToJson. This will prompt you to select objects you want to export. Afterwards JSON will be generated and you will be offered to save the file. That's it. Enjoy!

Be aware of dragons

As already mentioned, this is a very basic implementation, which works with basic mesh, brep and surface objects. Curves, polylines and other types of objects were not yet implemented.


RhinoToJson uses MIT license and is opensourced, so contributions are welcome. RCvA3C and GHva3c are also opensourced.