
Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This project defines a social media web application lacking many key security features. The goal is to identify as many of these as possible, and then proceed to patch them. It can also be used for practice from the perspective of an attacker.

There are also some comments around the code from the "previous developers" that didn't have time to focus on security while developing the application. These may point in a possible direction to improve security, but of course you are free to choose your own path and implementation.

Installing dependencies

Within the root folder of this application, ther is a requirements.txt file, which lists all the python requirements necessary to run the application. If you do not have pyhon installed, I would recommend installing anaconda, since it comes with many packages pre-installed, as well as some other useful tools.

It should be noted that this application has only been run in a python 3.7 environment so far, but other python 3 versions will likely work as well.

The following command install all required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Starting the application

Run the following command to start the Flask application:

flask run

You should now be able to access the application through your web browser by accessing localhost:5000 in the address bar.

Common issues

Some installations show an error similar to this when starting the application for the first time:

sqlite3.OperationalError: near "FOREIGN": syntax error

This can be safely ignored, since the most important parts of the database have been prepared by this point.


│   .flaskenv
|   config.py
│   README.md
│   requirements.txt
│   socialinsecurity.py
│   │   __init__.py
│   │   forms.py
│   │   routes.py
│   │   schema.sql
│   │
│   └───static
│   |   │   css
│   |   │   js
│   |   │   uploads
|   |
|   |___templates
│       │   base.html
│       │   comments.html
│       │   friends.html
│       │   index.html
│       │   profile.html
│       │   stream.html

Most important files/directories:

  • config.py: Contains configuration for the application.
  • app/: This directory is the root of the application, this is from where the pages are served.
  • __init__.py: Initializes the application and the database.
  • forms.py: Defines the forms that the users will use to input information
  • routes.py: Implements the routing between different pages, and handles form input.
  • schema.sql: Defines the database tables, and their relations.
  • static/: Static content, such as css, JavaScript and images can be stored and accessed here from anywhere in the application.
  • templates: Contains all the HTML in a template format. This allows the Flask backend to display content dynamically, by integrating logical operators and variables into HTML. These are populated once the user requests one of the sites.

Useful resources


If you have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to contact me, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.