
Basic RedisGraph movie demo app written in NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Movie database app in NodeJS based on RedisGraph

An IMDB clone application based on RedisGraph and NodeJS with basic account authentication and movie recommendation functionality.

Technical Stack

  • Frontend - React
  • Backend - Node.js, Redis, RedisGraph

How it works

The app consumes the data provided by the Express API and presents it through some views to the end user, including:

  • Home page
  • Sign-up and Login pages
  • Movie detail page
  • Actor and Director detail page
  • User detail page

Home page

How it works

The home page shows the genres and a brief listing of movies associated with them.

How the data is stored

Add a new genre:

create (g:Genre{name:"Adventure"})

Add a movie:

create (m:Movie {
    url: "https://themoviedb.org/movie/862", 
    title:"Toy Story", 
    tagline:"A cowboy doll is profoundly t...", 

Set genre to a movie:

MATCH (g:Genre), (m:Movie) 
WHERE g.name = "Adventure" AND m.title = "Toy Story" 
CREATE (m)-[:IN_GENRE]->(g)

How the data is accessed

Get genres:

MATCH (genre:Genre) RETURN genre

Get moves by genre:

MATCH (movie:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(genre)
WHERE toLower(genre.name) = toLower("Film-Noir") OR id(genre) = toInteger("Film-Noir")
RETURN movie

Code example: Get movies with genre

const getByGenre = function (session, genreId) {
  const query = [
    'MATCH (movie:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(genre)',
    'WHERE toLower(genre.name) = toLower($genreId) OR id(genre) = toInteger($genreId)',
    'RETURN movie',

  return session
    .query(query, {
    .then((result) => manyMovies(result));

Sign-up and Login pages

To be able to rate movies a user needs to be logged in: for that a basic JWT-based authentication system is implemented, where user details are stored in the RedisGraph for persistence.

How the data is stored

Store user in the database:

CREATE (user:User {id: 32, 
username: "user", password: "hashed_password", api_key: "525d40da10be8ec75480"}) 

How the data is accessed

Find by user name:

MATCH (user:User {username: "user"}) RETURN user

Code Example: Find user

const me = function (session, apiKey) {
  return session
    .query('MATCH (user:User {api_key: $api_key}) RETURN user', {
      api_key: apiKey,
    .then((foundedUser) => {
      if (!foundedUser.hasNext()) {
        throw {message: 'invalid authorization key', status: 401};
      while (foundedUser.hasNext()) {
        const record = foundedUser.next();
        return new User(record.get('user'));

Movie detail page

How it works

On this page a user can rate the film and view the Actors/directors who participated in the production of the film.

How the data is stored

Associate actor with a movie:

MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE m.title="Jumanji" CREATE (a:Actor :Person{
    bornIn:"Denver, Colorado, USA",
    name:"Robin Williams",
    {role: "Alan Parrish"}]->(m)

Associate director with a movie:

MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE m.title="Dead Presidents" CREATE (d:Director :Person{
    bio: "From Wikipedia, the free e...",
    bornIn: "Detroit, Michigan, USA",
    imdbId: "0400436",
    name: "Albert Hughes",
    tmdbId: "11447",
    url: "https://themoviedb.org/person/11447"})-[r:DIRECTED]->(m)

How the data is accessed

Find movie by id with genre, actors and director:

MATCH (movie:Movie {tmdbId: $movieId})
  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[my_rated:RATED]-(me:User {id: "e1e3991f-fe81-439e-a507-aa0647bc0b88"})
  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[r:ACTED_IN_MOVIE]-(a:Actor)
  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(genre:Genre)
  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Director)
  WITH DISTINCT movie, my_rated, genre, d,  a, r
  collect(DISTINCT d) AS directors,
  collect(DISTINCT a) AS actors,
  collect(DISTINCT genre) AS genres

Code Example: Get movie detail

const getById = function (session, movieId, userId) {
  if (!userId) throw {message: 'invalid authorization key', status: 401};
  const query = [
    'MATCH (movie:Movie {tmdbId: $movieId})\n' +
      '  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[my_rated:RATED]-(me:User {id: $userId})\n' +
      '  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[r:ACTED_IN_MOVIE]-(a:Actor)\n' +
      '  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(genre:Genre)\n' +
      '  OPTIONAL MATCH (movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Director)\n' +
      '  WITH DISTINCT movie, my_rated, genre, d,  a, r\n' +
      '  RETURN DISTINCT movie,\n' +
      '  collect(DISTINCT d) AS directors,\n' +
      '  collect(DISTINCT a) AS actors,\n' +
      '  collect(DISTINCT genre) AS genres',
  ].join(' ');
  return session
    .query(query, {
      movieId: movieId.toString(),
      userId: userId.toString(),
    .then((result) => {
      if (result.hasNext()) {
        return _singleMovieWithDetails(result.next());
      throw {message: 'movie not found', status: 404};

Actor and Director detail page

How it works

How the data is accessed

Find movies where actor acted in:

MATCH (actor:Actor {tmdbId: "8537"})-[:ACTED_IN_MOVIE]->(movie:Movie)

Find movies directed by:

MATCH (director:Director {tmdbId: "4945"})-[:DIRECTED]->(movie:Movie)
RETURN DISTINCT movie,director

Code Example: Get movies directed by

const getByDirector = function (session, personId) {
  const query = [
    'MATCH (director:Director {tmdbId: $personId})-[:DIRECTED]->(movie:Movie)',
    'RETURN DISTINCT movie,director',

  return session
    .query(query, {
    .then((result) => manyMovies(result));

User detail page

How it works

Shows the profile info and movies which were rated by user

How the data is stored

Set rating for a movie:

MATCH (u:User {id: 42}),(m:Movie {tmdbId: 231})       
MERGE (u)-[r:RATED]->(m)
SET r.rating = "7"

How the data is accessed

Get movies and user ratings:

MATCH (:User {id: "d6b31131-f203-4d5e-b1ff-d13ebc06934d"})-[rated:RATED]->(movie:Movie)
RETURN DISTINCT movie, rated.rating as my_rating

Code Example: Get rated movies for user

const getRatedByUser = function (session, userId) {
  return session
      'MATCH (:User {id: $userId})-[rated:RATED]->(movie:Movie) \
       RETURN DISTINCT movie, rated.rating as my_rating',
    .then((result) =>
      result._results.map((r) => new Movie(r.get('movie'), r.get('my_rating'))),

Data types:

  • The data is stored in various keys and various relationships.
    • There are 5 types of data
      • User
      • Director
      • Actor
      • Genre
      • Movie

Each type has its own properties

  • Actor: id, bio, born , bornIn, imdbId, name, poster, tmdbId, url
  • Genre: id, name
  • Director: id, born, bornIn, imdbId, name, tmdbId, url
  • User: id, username, password, api_key
  • Movie: id, url, languages, countries, budget, duration, imdbId, imdbRating, indbVotes, movieId, plot, poster, poster_image, released, revenue, runtime, tagline, tmdbId, year

And there are 4 types of relationship:

  • User-RATED->Movie
  • Director-DIRECTED->Movie
  • Actor-ACTED_IN_MOVIE->Movie
  • Movie-IN_GENRE->Genre

Hot to run it locally?


  • Node - v13.14.0
  • NPM - v7.6.0

Write in environment variable or Dockerfile actual connection to Redis:

   REDIS_ENDPOINT_URL = "Redis server URI"
   REDIS_PASSWORD = "Password to the server"

Local installation

Go to main folder and then:

# set redis data inside

# install dependencies
npm install

# Run server
node app.js

Run client

cd client
yarn install
yarn start

Try it out

Deploy to Heroku

Deploy to Heorku

Deploy to Google Cloud

Run on Google Cloud