Python implementation of the Lomb Scargle periodogram (or Least-squares spectral analysis [1]) in Python from scratch with the goal of discovering exoplanets' periodic signals from aperiodic data. Test data for three exoplanets is given. The mathematical formulation is given as:
Because the parameter can be freely chosen, we do it so that the off-diagonal elements vanish. Thus, obtaining:
When comparing the Lomb-Scargle periodogram presented here in the attached Python file and with the built-in LS periodogram, there are differences. For starters, the built-in periodogram doesn’t take into account the measurement errors for each data point and calculates a general variance, assuming the is was homoscedastic. Furthermore, when comparing the results of my (non-homoschedastic) LS periodogram and the built-in, it is noticeable noticed that most of the times, the built-in periodogram delivers better and more consistent results, showing a less strong dependence on the used frequency ranges.