
🗺️ A Vue CLI plugin to generate simple or complex sitemaps effortlessly.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC



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vue-cli-plugin-sitemap generates sitemaps for your Vue web apps. You can use it on its own or integrate it in the definition of the routes used in Vue Router. Features:

  • 🛣️ generate sitemaps from an array of routes
  • 🔀 support dynamic routes with single or multiple parameters
  • 🍱 support nested routes
  • 🚧 automatically escape the URLs and enforce a (non-)trailing slash policy
  • ✂️ automatically split the large sitemaps (more than 50,000 URLs) and generate the associated sitemap index
  • ✨ optionally prettify the output

Table of contents


vue add sitemap

The plugin will add a script called sitemap to your package.json. No other files will be modified.


Usage with vue-router

The recommended way to provide data to the plugin is to pass it the array of routes used by Vue Router. To do this, you'll need to separate the declaration of the routes and the instantiation of the Vue Router into two different modules.

Below is a simplified example of this setup, using esm to load ES6 modules into vue.config.js (this is needed until #4477 is implemented). Note that this comes with a few restrictions in src/routes.js:

  • you can import other JS modules, but no .vue files because esm won't know how to load them (you'll have to rely on dynamic imports using Node's require() for the component property)
  • you can't use the @ placeholder in the inclusion paths, as this is a bit of sugar syntax defined by vue-loader to shorten paths when loading files with webpack
// vue.config.js

require = require('esm')(module);
const { routes } = require('./src/routes.js');

module.exports = {
	pluginOptions: {
		sitemap: {
			baseURL: 'https://example.com',
// src/routes.js

export const routes = [
		path: '/',
		name: 'home',
		component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "home" */ './views/Home.vue')
		path: '/about',
		name: 'about',
		component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "about" */ './views/About.vue')
// src/main.js

import Vue        from 'vue'
import Router     from 'vue-router'
import App        from './App.vue'
import { routes } from './routes.js'

const router = new Router({
	mode: 'history',
	base: process.env.BASE_URL,

new Vue({ router, render: h => h(App) }).$mount('#app');

Usage as a standalone plugin

You can also directly provide some handwritten URLs to the plugin:

// vue.config.js

module.exports = {
	pluginOptions: {
		sitemap: {
			urls: [

If both routes and URLs are provided, they will be merged together in a single sitemap. In the case of duplicated locations, handwritten URLs will prevail over their matching routes.


To examine the output without triggering the whole build process, run the following command to generate a sitemap in the current working directory:

npm run sitemap

CLI options

When running the plugin on the command line, it will follow the options set in vue.config.js. If needed, you can overwrite those with some CLI options:

  • -p, --pretty: produce a human-readable output
  • -o <dir>, --output-dir <dir>: specify a directory in which the sitemap will be written

Note: when calling the CLI through npm scripts, don't forget to add -- before specifying the options to ensure that npm won't capture them, e.g. npm run sitemap -- --pretty -o dist/.


Global options

All the global options are optional and can be omitted, except for baseURL that must be provided for route-based sitemaps.

sitemap: {
	// Only generate during production builds (default: `false`)
	productionOnly: true,

	// Define the output directory (default: global `outputDir`)
	// Note: the official specification strongly recommends placing
	//       the sitemap at the root of the website
	outputDir: '/temp/sitemap',

	// If set to `true`, add a trailing slash at the end of every URL
	// If set to `false`, always remove it (default: `false`)
	trailingSlash: false,

	// Set to `true` to produce URLs compatible with hash mode
	// (default: `false`)
	hashMode: false,

	// Insert line breaks and tabulations to make the generated
	// file more readable (default: `false`)
	pretty: true,

	// Define an URL which will serve as a prefix for every URL
	// in the sitemap
	// If it is provided, all URLs must be partial and not start with the
	// domain name (e.g. '/page/subpage')
	// Note: this is required if some routes are provided, because
	//       every URL in the sitemap must be a full URL that includes
	//       the protocol and domain
	baseURL: 'https://example.com',

	// Default meta tags for every URL
	// These will be overridden by URL-specific tags
	defaults: {
		lastmod:    '2020-01-01',
		changefreq: 'weekly',
		priority:   1.0,

URL meta tags

In the sitemap format, each URL can be associated with some optional meta tags to help the crawlers update the pages and prioritize the critical URLs:

Meta tag Accepted values for the equivalent property Default value if absent
lastmod a date string in the W3C format, a JavaScript timestamp string, a numeric timestamp or a Date object Ø
changefreq "always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly", "never" Ø
priority a multiple of 0.1 between 0.0 and 1.0 0.5

For more information on those meta tags, you can consult the official specification.

Example with a route object:

	path: '/about'
	component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "about" */ './About')

	meta: {
		sitemap: {
			lastmod:    'December 22, 2019',
			priority:    0.8,
			changefreq: 'daily',

Example with a handwritten URL:

sitemap: {
	urls: [
			loc:        'https://example.com/about',
			lastmod:    'December 22, 2019',
			priority:    0.8,
			changefreq: 'daily',

Dynamic routes

If you use dynamic routes (e.g. /user/:id), you must provide some slugs to generate the corresponding URLs (or set the ignoreRoute option to true):

// src/routes.js

module.exports = [
		path: '/articles/:title',
		meta: {
			sitemap: {
				slugs: [

					// Slugs can have their own meta tags
						title:     'a-very-important-article',
						priority:  1.0,
		// Optional and regex-validated parameters are supported
		path: '/blog/:category/:id(\\d+)/:title?',
		meta: {
			sitemap: {
				// For dynamic routes with multiple parameters, each slug
				// must be an object with a key for each parameter
				slugs: [
						id:        1,
						title:     'hello-world',
						category:  'infos',
						id:        2,
						title:     'how-to-fold-socks-faster',
						category:  'lifehacks',

						priority:  0.9,
						lastmod:   'February 02, 2020 09:24',
						// Slugs that don't match the regex pattern
						// of their parameter will throw an error
						id:        'invalid-slug',
						title:     'another-post',
						category:  'misc',
		path: '/user/:id',
		meta: {
			sitemap: {
				// Slugs can also be provided asynchronously
				// The callback must always return an array
				slugs: async () => await getActiveUsers(),

Nested routes

Nested routes are supported:

// src/routes.js

module.exports = [
		path: '/user/:id',
		meta: {
			sitemap: {
				// The meta properties of parents
				// will be inherited by their children
				changefreq: 'monthly',
				priority:   0.7,

				slugs: getUserList(),

		children: [
				path: 'profile',
				meta: {
					sitemap: {
						// The meta properties of children
						// override those of their parents
						changefreq: 'weekly',

This example will produce the following sitemap:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
	<!-- [...] -->

Other route-specific options

// src/routes.js

module.exports = [
		path: '/admin/secure-page',

		// Explicitly ignore this route and all its children
		meta: { sitemap: { ignoreRoute: true } }
		// Routes with a glob in their path will be ignored...
		path: '*',
		name: '404',
		path: '/glob/*',

		// ...unless you provide a handwritten path to replace it
		meta: { sitemap: { loc: '/glob/lorem/ipsum' } }


You can consult the full changelog here.


This software is distributed under the ISC license.