
Pablo´s repo for the exercises of the FullStack Path at NxtGen/BosonIT

Primary LanguageJava

FullStack BosonIT

BosonIT & NxtGen FullStack Starting Path solutions by Pablo Royo.

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Prerequisites 📦

Things you need before starting to use this repo.

  • JDK 17
  • IntellJ Community
  • Postman / Insomnia

Postman ☝

Some projects contains in the root folder a file called "EXERCISE_NUMBER.postman_collection" this file contains all the http request accepted by the application. You can import this information into your postman.

TimeLine 🚩️

Timeline of the learning path divided in weeks.


Week 1 (09-02 to 11-02)

Week 2 (14-02 to 18-02)

Week 3 (21-02 to 25-02)

Week 4 (28-02 to 04-03)

Week 6 (14-03 to 18-03) - [ NIVEL AVANZADO ]

Week 7 (21-03 to 25-03) y mas...


Week 5 (07-03 to 11-03)