
x86-64 static binary size comparison for rust, go, c, and assembly.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Tiny Binaries

Tiny static x86-64 Linux binaries which do the following:

  1. print "hi!\n" to standard output.
  2. exit with an exit code of 0.

The binaries were generated using a variety of languages and build methods, then sorted by size.

The results from this test were used in the following posts on my site:


Plot of all results (Note: log scale X axis):

Static x86-64 Linux binary sizes (log scale)

Plot of tiny results (less than 1k, linear scale):

Tiny static x86-64 Linux binary sizes

Raw size results are available in the out/ directory in CSV format.

Languages and Build Methods

Generated using the following languages and build methods:

Name Language Description
go-1.16-default Go 1.16 Default build options.
go-1.16-ldflags Go 1.16 Built with -ldflags="-s -w".
go-1.16-default-upx Go 1.16 Built with defaults and packed with upx.
go-1.16-ldflags-upx Go 1.16 Built with -ldflags="-s -w" and packed with upx.
go-1.17-default Go 1.17 Default build options.
go-1.17-ldflags Go 1.17 Built with -ldflags="-s -w".
go-1.17-default-upx Go 1.17 Built with defaults and packed with upx.
go-1.17-ldflags-upx Go 1.17 Built with -ldflags="-s -w" and packed with upx.
go-1.18rc1-default Go 1.18rc1 Default build options.
go-1.18rc1-ldflags Go 1.18rc1 Built with -ldflags="-s -w".
go-1.18rc1-default-upx Go 1.18rc1 Built with defaults and packed with upx.
go-1.18rc1-ldflags-upx Go 1.18rc1 Built with -ldflags="-s -w" and packed with upx.
tinygo-0.22-default TinyGo 0.22.0 Default build options.
tinyGo-0.22-nodebug TinyGo 0.22.0 Built with -no-debug.
tinygo-0.22-default-upx TinyGo 0.22.0 Built with defaults and packed with upx.
tinygo-0.22-ldflags-upx TinyGo 0.22.0 Built with -no-debug and packed with upx.
rust-1.57-default Rust 1.57 Built with --release and build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static".
rust-1.57-default-upx Rust 1.57 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", and packed with upx.
rust-1.57-abort Rust 1.57 Built with --release and profile.release.panic = "abort".
rust-1.57-abort-upx Rust 1.57 Built with --release, profile.release.panic = "abort", and packed with upx.
rust-1.57-strip Rust 1.57 Built with --release and build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", then stripped with strip.
rust-1.57-strip-upx Rust 1.57 Built with --release and build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", then stripped with strip and packed with upx.
rust-1.57-lto Rust 1.57 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", and profile.release.lto = true.
rust-1.57-lto-upx Rust 1.57 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", and profile.release.lto = true, then packed with upx.
rust-1.57-oz Rust 1.57 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", and profile.release.opt-level = "z".
rust-1.57-oz-upx Rust 1.57 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", profile.release.panic = "abort", and profile.release.opt-level = "z", then packed with upx.
rust-1.57-all Rust 1.57 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", profile.release.opt-level = "z", profile.release.panic = "abort", and profile.release.lto = true, then stripped with strip.
rust-1.57-all-upx Rust 1.57 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", profile.release.opt-level = "z", profile.release.panic = "abort", and profile.release.lto = true, then stripped with strip and packed with upx.
rust-1.59-default Rust 1.59 Built with --release and build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static".
rust-1.59-default-upx Rust 1.59 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", and packed with upx.
rust-1.59-abort Rust 1.59 Built with --release and profile.release.panic = "abort".
rust-1.59-abort-upx Rust 1.59 Built with --release, profile.release.panic = "abort", and packed with upx.
rust-1.59-strip Rust 1.59 Built with --release and build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", then stripped with strip.
rust-1.59-strip-upx Rust 1.59 Built with --release and build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", then stripped with strip and packed with upx.
rust-1.59-lto Rust 1.59 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", and profile.release.lto = true.
rust-1.59-lto-upx Rust 1.59 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", and profile.release.lto = true, then packed with upx.
rust-1.59-oz Rust 1.59 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", and profile.release.opt-level = "z".
rust-1.59-oz-upx Rust 1.59 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", profile.release.panic = "abort", and profile.release.opt-level = "z", then packed with upx.
rust-1.59-all Rust 1.59 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", profile.release.opt-level = "z", profile.release.panic = "abort", and profile.release.lto = true, then stripped with strip.
rust-1.59-all-upx Rust 1.59 Built with --release, build.rustflags = "-C target-feature=+crt-static", profile.release.opt-level = "z", profile.release.panic = "abort", and profile.release.lto = true, then stripped with strip and packed with upx.
c-glibc C Statically linked against glibc.
c-glibc-upx C Statically linked against glibc and packed with upx.
c-musl C Statically linked against musl.
c-asm C (w/inline asm) This is just the asm-opt assembly, ported to horrid gas syntax, and embedded in a largely pointless C wrapper.
asm-naive Assembly Unoptimized x86-64 assembly, built with nasm and linked with ld.
asm-opt Assembly Optimized x86-64 assembly, built with nasm.
asm-elf Assembly Optimized x86-64 assembly, built with nasm. Code is embedded in unverified portions of the ELF and program header.


  • Debian only packages Go 1.15.15 as of December 2021. Yeesh.
  • Versions of gcc, upx, ld, strip, and nasm are from the current version of Debian.
  • C compiled with GCC 10. I also tested with Clang, but the results did not appear to be substantially different.
  • c-glibc-upx binary packed with upx --brute produced no output, so it uses upx --best instead.
  • upx fails with NotCompressible when run against c-musl.
  • upx refuses to compress any of the asm binaries.
  • Rust optimization options were borrowed from Minimizing Rust Binary Size.
  • Rust binaries packed with upx --brute produced no output, so they use upx --best instead.
  • Rust nightly has cargo-features = ["strip"] but it is not available in stable, so I used strip -s instead.
  • As of 2021-12-30, Rust nightly fails to build static binaries with warnings about getpwuid_r and getaddrinfo in statically linked binaries. See Dockerfile for full error.
  • The opt-nostd build fails in Rust 1.57 and Rust nightly as of 2021-12-31. See Dockerfile for full error.
  • ELF/PH overlap and unverified byte regions used by asm-elf were borrowed from Tiny ELF Files: Revisited in 2021. Thanks Nathan!

Build Instructions

There is a top-level Dockerfile which you can use to generate all of the binaries, the output CSV, and the output SVGs.

# build all stages
docker build -t pablotron/tiny-binaries .

You can save the generated CSV and SVGs to an output directory like so:

# create output directory and set permissions
mkdir ./out && chmod 777 ./out

# bind mount output directory, then copy generated reports to output directory
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/out:/out pablotron/tiny-binaries

You can inspect the generated binaries in /data/bin like this:

# execute shell in container
docker run --rm -it pablotron/tiny-binaries sh

# switch to output binary directory
cd /data/bin

# install file
apk add file

# verify that binaries are statically linked
file *

# verify binary file sizes
wc -c *