
This web project allows you to manage your clients. All your clients will be saved using JSON-Server in case of page reload.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CRM React

Manage your clients using this web project


This web project allows you to manage your clients. All your clients will be saved using JSON-Server in case of page reload.

It's Features Include:

  • Fast and easy to use
  • Edit or remove existing clients
  • Beautiful interface
  • Validate form information
  • Adjust the content to the screen size
  • And more!

Technologies used

  • Vite + React.js
  • Node.js (NPM)
  • React Router 6
  • Tailwind
  • JSON Server + My JSON Server
  • Formik + Yup
  • Netlify
  • Visual Studio Code

How to build?

git clone https://github.com/pablove2001/CRM-React.git
cd CRM-React
npm install
npm run dev 
  • To finish, run the following command in a new terminal located in the same folder
json-server --watch db.json --port 4000

Note: If you have an error running the server check to have the execution of .ps1 files enabled here.
