FaMaPy is a Python-based AAFM framework that takes into consideration previous AAFM tool designs and enables multi-solver and multi-metamodel support for the integration of AAFM tooling on the Python ecosystem.
The main features of the framework are:
- Easy to extend by enabling the creation of new plugins following a semi-automatic generator approach.
- Support multiple variability models. Currently, it provides support for cardinality-based feature models. However, it is easy to integrate others such as attributed feature models
- Support multiple solvers. Currently, it provides support for the PySAT metasolver, which enables more than ten different solvers.
- Support multiple operations. It is developed, having in mind multi-model operations such as those depicted by Familiar and single-model operations.
All the proyect related documentation can be found in wiki format at wiki
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes