
Ensure DNS resource record entries from a JSON (exporting) file are applied through INWX API.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

INWX apply

npm version Docker Image Version (tag latest semver) Codecov unit-tests publish

Ensure DNS resource record entries from a JSON (exporting) file are applied through INWX API.

I wanted a text based file that:

  • contains/exports all my DNS resource records for all my domains
  • can be version controlled with git (or any VCS)
  • works with variables for repeating/similar entries
  • can be applied against INWX API to ensure all these entries exists (no more, no less)

The result is this tool that takes a JSON (exporting) file as input and ensures that exactly these entries are set at inwx name servers for you.

Install (npm)

npm install -g inwx-apply


Build image yourself

docker build -t inwx-apply .

Run self build image

docker run \
  --rm \
  -v /path/to/credentials.json:/data/credentials.json:ro \
  -v /path/to/inwxDnsEntries.js:/data/inwxDnsEntries.js:ro \

Run pre-build image from docker hub

I've created a shell script for myself



if [ "$1" = "pull" ] || [ "$1" = "--pull" ]; then
    docker pull "${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}"
    exit $?



docker run \
    --rm \
    -v "${ENTRIES_FILE}:/data/${ENTRIES_FILE_BASENAME}:ro" \
    "${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}" \
    --file "${ENTRIES_FILE_BASENAME}" \


inwx-apply will look in your current work directory for a file named inwxDnsEntries.js and import it. It also runs by default in "dry-run" mode. This means it will just show you what it would do.

If you do not want to check in your INWX credentials to your VCS, put them in a JSON file that is ignored by your VCS and import it into your DNS entries file.

Create your git ignored credential file (eg: inwx_credentials.gitignore.json):

  "username": "my_inwx_username",
  "password": "my_inwx_password",
  "sharedSecret": null

Create a js file that will import your credentials and export DNS entries as JSON (eg: inwxDnsEntries.js)

const credentials = require('./inwx_credentials.gitignore.json');
const ttl = 3600;
const ipV4 = {
  web: '',
  web2: '',
  db: '',
  mail: '',
const ipV6 = {
  web: '1:2:3::4',
  web2: '4:3:2::1',
  db: '1:2:3::5',
  mail: '1:2:3::6',
const nameServers = [
const nameServerSet = nameServers.map(name => ({
  ttl: 86400,
  name: '*',
  content: name,
const soaContent = `${nameServers[0]} hostmaster@example.com`;
const soaRecord = {
  ttl: 86400,
  name: '*',
  content: soaContent,
  replaceBeforeCompareContent: {
    searchRe: /\s+\d+$/.source,
    flags: '',
    replace: '',
const mxRecord = { prio: 10, ttl, name: '*', content: 'mail.example.com' };

const entries = {
  // list of all domains handled by INWX
  knownDomains: ['example.com', 'example.net', 'exämple.org'],
  // list of domains, that entries should not be modified (subset of knownDomains)
  ignoredDomains: [],
  resourceRecords: {
    // default entries for all domains of knownDomains
    '*': {
      SOA: [soaRecord],
      NS: nameServerSet,
      MX: [mxRecord],
      CNAME: [
        { ttl, name: '*', content: 'example.com' },
        { ttl, name: 'www.*', content: 'www.example.com' },
    'example.com': {
      A: [
        { ttl, name: '*', content: ipV4.web },
        { ttl, name: 'www.*', content: ipV4.web },
        { ttl, name: 'mail.*', content: ipV4.mail },
      AAAA: [
        { ttl, name: '*', content: ipV6.web },
        { ttl, name: 'www.*', content: ipV6.web },
        { ttl, name: 'mail.*', content: ipV6.mail },
      // do not apply CNAME from default "*"
      CNAME: [],
    'example.net': {
      // example.net already uses the new "web2" server
      A: [
        { ttl, name: '*', content: ipV4.web2 },
        { ttl, name: 'www.*', content: ipV4.web2 },
        { ttl, name: 'db.*', content: ipV4.db },
      AAAA: [
        { ttl, name: '*', content: ipV6.web2 },
        { ttl, name: 'www.*', content: ipV6.web2 },
        { ttl, name: 'db.*', content: ipV6.db },
      CNAME: [],

module.exports = JSON.stringify(entries);

The exported JSON would be:

  "credentials": {
    "username": "***",
    "password": "***",
    "sharedSecret": "***"
  "knownDomains": ["example.com", "example.net", "exämple.org"],
  "ignoredDomains": [],
  "resourceRecords": {
    "*": {
      "SOA": [
          "ttl": 86400,
          "name": "*",
          "content": "ns.inwx.de hostmaster@example.com",
          "replaceBeforeCompareContent": {
            "searchRe": "\\s+\\d+$",
            "flags": "",
            "replace": ""
      "NS": [
        { "ttl": 86400, "name": "*", "content": "ns.inwx.de" },
        { "ttl": 86400, "name": "*", "content": "ns2.inwx.de" },
        { "ttl": 86400, "name": "*", "content": "ns3.inwx.eu" },
        { "ttl": 86400, "name": "*", "content": "ns4.inwx.com" },
        { "ttl": 86400, "name": "*", "content": "ns5.inwx.net" }
      "MX": [
        { "prio": 10, "ttl": 3600, "name": "*", "content": "mail.example.com" }
      "CNAME": [
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "*", "content": "example.com" },
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "www.*", "content": "www.example.com" }
    "example.com": {
      "A": [
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "*", "content": "" },
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "www.*", "content": "" },
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "mail.*", "content": "" }
      "AAAA": [
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "*", "content": "1:2:3::4" },
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "www.*", "content": "1:2:3::4" },
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "mail.*", "content": "1:2:3::6" }
      "CNAME": []
    "example.net": {
      "A": [
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "*", "content": "" },
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "www.*", "content": "" },
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "db.*", "content": "" }
      "AAAA": [
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "*", "content": "4:3:2::1" },
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "www.*", "content": "4:3:2::1" },
        { "ttl": 3600, "name": "db.*", "content": "1:2:3::5" }
      "CNAME": []

From that JSON inwx-apply will ensure, these entries will be present:

Act                           Name Type     TTL Prio Content
add                    example.com SOA    86400    0 ns.inwx.de hostmaster@example.com
add                    example.com NS     86400    0 ns.inwx.de
add                    example.com NS     86400    0 ns2.inwx.de
add                    example.com NS     86400    0 ns3.inwx.eu
add                    example.com NS     86400    0 ns4.inwx.com
add                    example.com NS     86400    0 ns5.inwx.net
add                    example.com MX      3600   10 mail.example.com
add                    example.com A       3600    0
add               mail.example.com A       3600    0
add                www.example.com A       3600    0
add                    example.com AAAA    3600    0 1:2:3::4
add               mail.example.com AAAA    3600    0 1:2:3::6
add                www.example.com AAAA    3600    0 1:2:3::4
Act                           Name Type     TTL Prio Content
add                    example.net SOA    86400    0 ns.inwx.de hostmaster@example.com
add                    example.net NS     86400    0 ns.inwx.de
add                    example.net NS     86400    0 ns2.inwx.de
add                    example.net NS     86400    0 ns3.inwx.eu
add                    example.net NS     86400    0 ns4.inwx.com
add                    example.net NS     86400    0 ns5.inwx.net
add                    example.net MX      3600   10 mail.example.com
add                 db.example.net A       3600    0
add                    example.net A       3600    0
add                www.example.net A       3600    0
add                 db.example.net AAAA    3600    0 1:2:3::5
add                    example.net AAAA    3600    0 4:3:2::1
add                www.example.net AAAA    3600    0 4:3:2::1
Act                           Name Type     TTL Prio Content
add             xn--exmple-cua.org SOA    86400    0 ns.inwx.de hostmaster@example.com
add             xn--exmple-cua.org NS     86400    0 ns.inwx.de
add             xn--exmple-cua.org NS     86400    0 ns2.inwx.de
add             xn--exmple-cua.org NS     86400    0 ns3.inwx.eu
add             xn--exmple-cua.org NS     86400    0 ns4.inwx.com
add             xn--exmple-cua.org NS     86400    0 ns5.inwx.net
add             xn--exmple-cua.org MX      3600   10 mail.example.com
add         www.xn--exmple-cua.org CNAME   3600    0 www.example.com
add             xn--exmple-cua.org CNAME   3600    0 example.com