
Custom fortunes plus handling scripts

Primary LanguageShell


This repo is a collection of custom fortunes, plus a few scripts to handle them. A fortune is simply a bit of interesting text. From fortune manpages:

       fortune - print a random, hopefully interesting, adage

Either use this repo as a template to store your fortunes, or kindly steal mine:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pabsan-0/fortunes/master/install.sh | bash -x
fortune pabsan


  • sudo apt install fortune


Set up your fortune collection

  • Clone this repo to a fixed location. We recommend something like /opt/my_fortunes/pabsan_collection
  • Right after cloning, run ./fortune --update to create a fortune index.
  • Run the ./fortune executable bash script to call fortunes from your collection:
    • It will look for a fortunes/ dir next to it and call the original fortune passing its files as arguments.
    • You can symlink this file anywhere in your system with your fav name.

Adding new fortunes

  • Create or edit one of the text files in fortunes/
  • Fortune text files hold many fortunes, separated by a line with only a % in it.
  • To update the index you can:
    • Run the bare comamand: strfile -c % pabsan pabsan.dat
    • Use my utility script to update all: ./fortune --update
  • If getting missing characters on your fortunes, you probably need to do this update.

Diving deeper

Here's some afterthoughts for repo users:

  • If you haven't overwritten its reference in $PATH, you can still call the vanilla fortune as always.
  • Multiple fortune collections can be maintained like this by having multiple symlinks with different names, their fortunes stored in different repos.
  • You can also have a repo with a maintained fortune and simply add a symlink to /usr/share/games/fortunes/, but you need to write your filenames everytime you call fortune.

And some useful links: