
Messing with frozen cookies

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An automated Cookie Clicker tool.


NOT currently compatible with CCSE: klattmose/klattmose.github.io#47

CCSE changes base game functions that break the switches like the season switch and the elder pledge. This problem exists in version 2.033 of CCSE and older, when used with Cookie Clicker version 2.048.

How to use

Steam Install

Get it from the Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816199538

If you want to manually install it:

  1. Download the Steam folder at https://erbkaiser.github.io/FrozenCookies/Steam/ and put the FrozenCookies folder in your mods/local folder. Remove or disable any other variants of FC.
  2. Close Cookie Clicker if it is running, or refresh it
  3. Load up Cookie Clicker via Steam
  4. Enable Frozen Cookies at 'Manage mods' on the Options page

Web version

  1. Open the browser dev tools by whatever works for your browser. F12 might do it.
  2. Go to the Console tab.
  3. Type the following on the commandline and press enter after: Game.LoadMod("https://github.erbkaiser.com/FrozenCookies/frozen_cookies.js");
  4. Frozen Cookies should tell you it's loaded in the console now. Feel free to close the browser console, or keep it open. If you keep it open, you'll get some detailed info whenever FC does its thing.

Bookmarklet install

  1. Paste the contents (not the url) of https://github.erbkaiser.com/FrozenCookies/fc_bookmarklet_loader.js into a bookmark.
  2. Load up Cookie Clicker.
  3. Load the recently created bookmark.

Userscript install

  1. If you don't already have it, install the required browser add-on. Tampermonkey (Chrome) or Greasemonkey (Firefox)
  2. Go to https://github.erbkaiser.com/FrozenCookies/fc_userscript_loader.user.js
  3. Click the 'install' button in the upper right corner.
  4. Load up Cookie Clicker.

What can Frozen Cookies do?

  • Long number shortening. (convert 1,234,567,890 to 1.235 billion)
  • Calculates the most efficient* next purchase.
  • Optionally, will automatically buy that most efficient* next purchase.
  • Calculates all sorts of stuff having to do with Golden Cookies.
  • Optionally, will automatically click Golden Cookies when they appear.
  • Calculates all sorts of stuff having to do with Heavenly Chips.
  • Displays a timer for the following items: Next Golden Cookie, Time left in Frenzy, Time until next Heavenly Chip.
  • Displays a second timer for the time to completion of Golden Cookie Bank, Next Purchase, and the end of a Chain of Purchases.
  • Calculates far more building/upgrade efficiency information that any person ever wants to know, and displays it in a not extremely user friendly manner.
  • Automates just about everything that can be automated.
  • Automatically updates to the most recent version upon load. Regardless of if that version is better or not.
  • Might not eat all of your cookies.

*Note: Not guaranteed to actually be the most efficient purchase. Just the most efficient that I currently know of.

What's new?

Click to expand!

2022 Dec 30

  • Added 'Free Season' option to remain in the game base season

2022 Nov 30

  • Auto 100% Consistency Combo will no longer remove planted whiskerblooms to plant more whiskerblooms

2022 Nov 29

  • Added Game Seed to the Other Information section of the FC Menu
  • Moved current frenzy value to Golden Cookie Info section

2022 Nov 21

  • Implemented Ronna (R) and Quetta (Q) SI prefixes for 10^27 and 10^30.

2022 Nov 20

  • Hopefully finally fixed Rigidel failures
  • Removed 'Combo Cast' since it was too buggy

2022 Nov 08

  • Add new spell combo 'Combo Cast' which works like 'Double Cast', but instead of using HagC it will single cast spells until a combo is found

2022 Oct 04

  • Implement erbkaiser#55 'Add a buy all upgrades function'
  • Fixed a bug that hid the Auto Bulk Buy option

2022 Sep 22

  • AutoSpell's minimum frenzy is now also applied to the double cast and 100% Consistency Combos
  • If a minimum frenzy is set for Auto-Loan and an active loan is being paid back (interest), no loan will be taken even if the total frenzy exceeds the value

2022 Sep 14

  • Restored auto dragon settings that were temporarily disabled behind the hood
  • Fixed a long standing bug with auto-Rigidel that could stop the entire mod from working and sugar lump harvesting to fail

2022 Sep 10

  • Auto-Halloween will no longer swap out of Valentines early, as all cookies for it can be gotten really quickly.
  • Removed Autobuy's double duty as an on/off switch for other options
  • Changed the Auto Dragon Aura system: if an aura is being set, it will first check if already is set in the other slot before doing so, to prevent needless swapping. WARNING: as an unintended consequence of this change, any existing automatic dragon aura may be cleared in the FC options.

2022 Sep 04

  • Add Auto-Dragon's Curve option (#93)

2022 Aug 30

  • Added a frenzy modifier check to the Auto Sugar Frenzy so you can make sure it only fires for big combos
  • The Current Frenzy (combination of all effects) is displayed on the Frozen Cookies button
  • Beautified the Frenzy Times so large numbers take the Number Display format
  • Add a one click option to set all recommended* settings

2022 Aug 23

  • Updated auto-Cyclius to work with Supreme Intellect and to allow it to set all gods properly when activated.

2022 Aug 22

  • Auto-Pantheon could not set Holobore. Now, it can. An unfortunate side-effect of this fix is that any existing setups which have 'No god' selected for any of the three auto-Pantheon slots will now show Holobore set instead. This will not affect new installs of FC.

2022 Aug 21

  • Extended Auto Loan to also take loan 3, if desired
  • Completed documentation of the options
  • Add Auto-Cyclius to automate swapping Cyclius god throughout the day

2022 Aug 1

  • Any spell casting method that checks for a frenzy will now also check for a Dragon Harvest, if Reaper of Fields or Reality Bending is an active aura

2022 Jul 29

  • Add a fifth auto cast option (#75). This works like the existing FTHOF auto cast but will only cast click and building specials.
  • Rewrote the 100% Consistency Combo again. Should actually work now.

2022 Jul 26

  • Auto-Godzamok now limits itself to the mine and factory cap (if set) and no longer is capped at 500. If you have more buildings than the cap, it will rebuy up to that cap.
  • Renamed a few preferences to make what they do more clear
  • Split the auto banking in two separate options, one to upgrade the bank level (to unlock loans and more storage) and one to automatically buy brokers.

2022 Jul 20

  • New feature: Auto-Dragon Orbs, with accompanying Cortex bakers Limit.
  • Reduced dragon petting speed for less visual spam

2022 Jul 18

  • Added an in-game link to this readme page
  • Added dedicated toggles for setting dragon auras and pantheon gods, if turned off auras and gods will not be set.

2022 Jul 17

  • Extended auto FTHOF and auto 100% consistency combos to also work with natural click frenzies, if two building buffs are stored
  • Changed autoBroker so it will only buy brokers if the next recommendation is a building, this should stop it from interfering too much with efficiency

2022 Jul 12

  • Fix some old issues with smart Auto cast and simplify the code; and finally documented how it works

2022 Jul 09

  • Putting an upgrade in the vault (once Inspired checklist is unlocked) will now prevent it from being auto-bought

2022 Jul 07

  • Returned Frozen Cookies ticker messages (now less common)
  • Changed auto-cast behaviour: Frenzy minimum is only checked for FTHOF, more chances are taken to shorten debuffs, and sugar lumps are always taken
  • (Hopefully) fixed a long standing issue with autobuying overshooting building limits (#25)

2022 Jul 02

  • Completed the Shiny Wrinkler protection code so you can now keep your shinies.
  • Frozen Cookies will now buy upgrades that don't give an immediate CpS benefit such as Omelette, offline cookie production upgrades, and the Sacrificial rolling pins
  • Tweaked the infobox text
  • Improved season switching logic
  • Disabled purchase logging by default to keep log more useful, can be re-enabled with a new option

2022 Jun 30

  • Add option to toggle display of missed golden cookie clicks (and turn off by default)
  • Add experimental autoSweet option to continually ascend until a grimoire seed with Sweet (free Sugar Lump) is found - once activated, it can only disabled in the console with FrozenCookies.autosweet = 0

2022 Jun 21

  • Add automatic Sugar Frenzy
  • Add Sugar Baking protection so the mod will only auto-spend sugar lumps if you have 101 or more stored
  • Added options to automatically set dragon auras
  • Added options to automatically set the pantheon
  • Turn the autobuy option into an on/off toggle for various automated actions like autoBroker, autoDragon. This allows changing the values without the game immediately buying.

2022 Jun 20

  • Once again rewrote auto FTHOF and 100% consistency combo + updated documentation. Should now work better.

2022 Jun 19

  • Add autoHalloween option
  • Rewrote auto FTHOF combo

2022 Jun 18

  • Revert FTHOF combo (mostly) to original method where only the combo is cast. Exception is made for the sugar lump spell.

2022 Jun 16

  • Removed not really working overflow for Frenzy Times
  • Edited Frozen Cookies menu layout
  • Tweaked smart FTHOF behaviour (should no longer waste a click frenzy if Dragonflight is active)

2022 Jun 06

  • Prevent rebuy spam if autoGodz is enabled but there is no building limit set, and over 500 buildings are owned
  • Turn keyboard shortcuts into an option
  • Add autoLoan function: take loans 1 and 2 if a big click frenzy starts

2022 Jun 02

  • Reverted the Apr 14 change to automatically take loans during normal double casting as the gains aren't guaranteed to be worth it.

2022 May 19

  • Rebalanced the auto FTHOF combo and updated the readme with info about it

2022 May 13

  • Automatic dragon upgrading and dragon petting

2022 May 12

  • Updated for version 2.046 (beta)
  • Rigisell (used in Autoharvest SL with Rigidel) will now sell the cheapest building instead of always going for cursors, to keep Rigidel happy (from heshammourad)

2022 May 03

  • Change the smart FTHOF behaviour to cast a negative Stretch Time spell, if the next FTHOF spell would be Ruin or Clot and a timed debuff like a Clot or loan repayment is the only active effect

2022 Apr 29

  • Add an option to automatically buy stock brokers and upgrade bank office levels

2022 Apr 14

  • Automatically take Stock Market loans during FTHOF combo

2022 Mar 25

  • Extended safe buy mechanism to smart FTHOF and 100% consistency combos

2022 Jan 25

  • Changed auto-Godmazok to mines and factories as farms will get a synergy boost once the beta goes into live
  • Changed buy back behaviour for auto-G to stop at 500 max, so that enabling it won't devastate existing games where you have more mines and factories. Recommended to still enable the mine and factory limit once you can get over 600 of each, to keep them useful
  • Hid the Frenzy Times on the FC stats/settings page behind an overflow scrollbar

2022 Jan 16

  • Changed auto-Godzamok to farms and mines instead of cursors and farms since cursor sinergies and aura gloves can earn more cookies than mines ever could.

2022 Jan 10 (bootleg DarkRoman version)

  • Copied the smart FTHOF behaviour from DarkRoman's variant: https://github.com/Darkroman/FrozenCookies
  • Copied the AutoComboFinder and smart Easter from DarkRoman
  • Fixed the broken auto-Godmazok behaviour that sold mines and factories instead of cursors

*Note: Recommended for a late stage game only. Don't like these values? Don't use it.

Older changelogs

Click to expand!

2020 Nov 2

  • Version 1.10.0
  • Add version check
  • Removed unused variables
  • Removed unused function
  • Update CookieClicker 2.031
  • New Building upgrades
  • New Grandma upgrades
  • New Synergie upgrades

2020 Oct 26

  • Version 1.9.0
  • Fix autoAscend number entry. (Issue #49)
  • Fix recommendation list to show accurate efficiency percentages even when AutoBuy excludes the purchase of some buildings (like when they've hit their max). (Issue #47)
  • Simplified Auto-Godzamok: Now just on or off. When on, it will wait until Dragonflight or Click Frenzy and sell all the cursors and farms to get the Devastation buff. Then, if AutoBuy is turned on, it will immediately buy the buildings back (stopping at the max for those buildings if a max has been set).
  • Fix autoharvest of sugar lump. (Issue #18)
  • Show correct buff value on Devastation tooltip, even if additional buildings have been sold after the buff has started. (Issue #46)
  • Fix Auto Bulkbuy to only actually kick in after a reincarnation instead of all the time.
  • Other minor fixes

2020 Sept 28

  • Version 1.8.0
  • Move preferences to their own file
  • Rearange preferences into sections
  • Reword preferences for consistency
  • Fix autoCast() to correctly consider CPS
  • Update autoCast SE to javascript console
  • Display next purchase and chain name in timers

2020 Sept 15

  • Add function to make sure game is in buymode when autobuying
  • Fixed achievement not showing.

2018 Oct 27

  • Added Shimmering veil blacklists
  • Updated SE auto cast strategy to use new fractal engine instead of chancemaker.
  • Added farms to godzamok sold buildings as they contribute barely synergy. Sells all farms except 1 for the garden. Added a new option to limit farms just like cursors
  • Added Fractal engine related upgrade values

2018 Aug 6

  • New "Harvest Bank" option to select a higher Bank than for Frenzy/Clicking Frenzy if you want to get the maximum return from harvesting Bakeberries, Chocoroots, White Chocoroots, Queenbeets or Duketaters
  • Scenario selection for harvesting

2018 Aug 4

  • Automatically blacklists Sugar Frenzy and Chocolate Egg

2018 Mar 2:

  • Updated to work in patch 2.0045
  • More auto-Godzamok behavior options
  • Auto Spell Casting (Conj. Baked Goods, Force the Hand of Fate, Spontaneous Edifice, and Haggler's Charm [the fastest to spam for spell achievements])
  • Wizard Tower purchase limit toggle to stay at 100 mana
  • Auto Sugar Lump Harvesting
  • Cursor Autobuy limit option to keep Godzamok efficient at very high cursor counts
  • Auto bulk purchase on reincarnation (option to automatically buy in 10s or 100s after reincarnation to speed up early run

2017 Apr 14:

  • New option: FPS modifier

2017 Apr 12:

  • Wrinklers can now be popped efficiently or instantly

2017 Mar 31:

  • New option: Auto-ascension
  • Scientific notation changed a fair bit

2016 Dec 1:

  • New option: Default Season

2016 Nov 19:

  • Update discount calc with new discounts
  • Fix problem with lucky bank targeting during wrath
  • Add Earth Shatterer option to Chocolate Egg calc and display
  • Fix 'HC After Reset' stat
  • Fix: Auto-GS waited for Frenzy to end but incurred 7x cost anyway
  • Removed 'No GS' blacklists
  • Added label to Auto-GS option
  • Auto-GS no longer cheats

2016 Nov 13:

  • Fixed auto-buying of Santa upgrades
  • Fixed Lucky calc
  • Add support for new GC buffs
  • Internal Information: delta-CPS for Bank targets now compares to current bank
  • Golden Switch excluded from auto-buy (no blacklist necessary)

2016 Aug 11:

  • Added Golden Switch blacklists

2016 Jul 24:

  • Updated for Cookie Clicker 2.002

2014 May 27:

  • Time to Recoup Chocolate stat added
  • Chocolate Egg benefits being included in the HC stats section
  • Wrath Stage information added to the Internal Information section

2014 May 23:

  • Google Chrome updated, blocks invalid MIME-type scripts from running, forcing all users to switch to the gh-pages branch hosted on http://icehaw78.github.io/FrozenCookies; No local code changes were needed for this

2014 May 20:

  • Wrinklers will autopop if turned on, in Easter or Halloween, and don't have all seasonal cookies for that season unlocked Will autobuy and value Faberge Egg, Golden Goose Egg, and Wrinklerspawn
  • Century Egg doesn't cause the browser to freeze (note: It's still broken in beta; won't be fixed)
  • "Manual Seasons" blacklist removed (this is now integrated with the core autobuy - if you're in a season and don't have all related cookies, autobuy won't buy another season upgrade)
  • Wrinkler Saving functionality removed entirely, due to that working with the core game now
  • "No Buildings" blacklist added (for use with all of your Chocolate Egg hoarding needs - will maintain a Pledge if deemed valuable, as well as maintaining seasons)
  • Resetting while FC is loaded will now pop all wrinklers, sell all buildings, and finally buy the Chocolate Egg (if available) before actually resetting, without any manual interaction needed.
  • Console logging cleaned up quite a bit (now condenses HC reports by either 'In Frenzy' or 'Out of Frenzy', rather than spamming 100x "You gained 1 HC!" when not in a frenzy)
  • Added more granular Frenzy timing info in the Golden Cookie Info section
  • Keyboard shortcuts now include 'e' to pop up your save export string in a handy copyable window.
  • "Pastemode" added, to reverse the efficiency calculations

2014 May 18:

  • Updated to work with Easter beta (Major issue of Century Egg causing an infinite loop will freeze FC)

2014 Apr 28:

  • Found and fixed a major bug that was valuing autoclicking for wrinklers, which reverted the general consensus of "Never leave One Mind" for high-automation players
  • Started a cross-community strategy optimization Holy War

2014 Apr 8:

  • Rewrite cache recalculations with the design from @Bryanarby
  • Autopop wrinklers is season-aware and cost-efficiency-aware
  • Prevent negative-efficiency upgrades from being prioritized/existing
  • Provided number-shortening-code to Orteil for use in core CC

2014 Mar 18:

  • Chained Upgrades accurately simulate all prerequisites' benefits as well as costs
  • Wrinkler valuation updated to prevent exiting of One Mind if it shouldn't
  • Autobuy won't switch seasons during the first hour of that season (to avoid constant back and forth before unlocking anything in a given season).
  • A beta Wrinkler-saver (that is off by default) which will simply hook into the game's built in Save function, will store your wrinklers upon save, and when FC is first loaded, will restore them entirely (including amount sucked, life, and even position around the cookie). Use at your own risk.
  • A new "smart tracking" for the graphing stats, which introduces a delay between tracking times, and will increase the reporting during times of increased purchasing, and will decrease the reporting during times of saving. This is currently the recommended tracking method, if you plan on using the graphs. (Thanks to /u/bryanarby for the initial idea of a modulated tracking function.)
  • Even fewer bugs than before.
  • Possibly more bugs, as well?

2014 Mar 12:

  • Graphs!
  • Actually working with the most recent update
  • An attempt to model Reindeer/Wrinklers for efficiency calculation purposes (not quite working yet)
  • Maybe other stuff that I forgot?

2013 Dec 31:

  • Reindeer Autoclicker [technically not new, since someone else added this earlier]
  • Automatic Santa stage upgrading
  • Fixed a bug in the chained upgrade cost code that was calculating the cumulative cost of buildings very very wrong

2013 Nov 15:

  • Auto Blacklist Disabler - this will allow you to set a blacklist, but once its goal is reached, it will return to no blacklist. (This allows you to, among other things, turn on Grandmapocalypse Mode to acquire all halloween cookies, without having to monitor whether they're all gotten or not, and then it returns to normal buy all.) Without this turned on, blacklists will work how they previously did.
  • Grandmapocalypse Mode Blacklist - this will now stop you at Wrath:1, rather than Wrath:3, as this seems likely to be far more effective for wrinklers. After you've bought the Elder Pact, of course, you can't go back, but for those who want to run in the earlier mode, this will allow you to do so.
  • Beautified numbers now round properly. This includes a bug that surfaced last week, where thousands were displaying as millions, as well as the much older bug where 999,999,999 would display as 1000 million, rather than 1 billion.
  • Golden cookie double-clicking bugs and buying Elder Covenant bugs - these should not be happening any more; if they are, please let me know.

2013 Oct 28:

  • Chain timer no longer resets after the purchase of each item in the chain (the total value of the chain is the cost of every prerequisite, the amount completed of the timer is the cost of all purchased prereqs + cookies on hand).
  • You can now change how numbers are shortened, with many different formatting options to choose from.
  • The giant efficiency table now marks Chained upgrades as such with a (C) in the list.
  • Clicking CPS is now included in any calculations involving time delays when autoclick is turned on.
  • Click Frenzy Autoclick (should) override the base autoclick speed if both are turned on and set.
  • Frenzy Power now shown when active (x7, x666, or x0.5)
  • Efficiency Table should now be slightly less terribly formatted (though likely not by much).
  • Numerous bugs from the previous versions should be fixed (I forget what all they are, though.)

2013 Oct 23:

  • Improved code stability, added large cookie autoclicker, clicking frenzy autoclicker, and blacklists for Speedrun/Hardcore achievements

2013 Oct 22:

  • Fixed multiple problems with the previous changes

2013 Oct 21:

  • Updated GC valuation code

2013 Oct 17:

  • Timers are much smoother and not on the FC page
  • Many stability improvements
  • Newer GC valuation code
  • Moved the hosting URL to one that won't cause script-type warnings when you load it. (http://icehawk78.github.io/FrozenCookies)

2013 Oct 03:

  • Finally getting around to updating this file.
  • Lots of other changes have been added in the meantime.

2013 Sep 23:

  • Added Chained Upgrade purchases

Planned Features and Known Issues

  • See the Github issues

What do these options actually mean, in detail?

Auto clicking Options

  • Autoclick This will simulate clicking the big cookie by directly calling the function that register cookie clicks. A value of 250 will best well for most people playing on web, but if you have a fast computer and are playing the Steam version, you can go up to 1000. Basically, to find the sweet spot for your system, start at a value like 100 and increase it until the 'Next' upgrade in the options or infobox begins to go wrong, either by losing the seconds value or by showing a clearly incorrect count. If it does, lower the Autoclick count again until you find the optimal speed. Or, just set it 250 and forget about it.
  • Autofrenzy This is Autoclick but during click frenzies. The same rules as Autoclick apply, but you can use a higher value here if you cannot normally run Autoclick at top speed.
  • Autoclick GC All golden cookes, including wrath cookies, will be collected as soon as they appear if enabled.
  • Autoclick Reindeer This will click Reindeer the moment they appear.
  • Auto Fortune The moment a fortune appears in the newsticker, it will be collected. It may be a good idea to disable this during active play, as you will only collect fortune bonuses once per ascension and Your Lucky numbers are gives up to double your bank, so you will likely want this at a later point.

Auto buying options

  • Autobuy This controls all automated purchases. Upgrades in the vault will not be bought. Buildings with a limit will not be bought beyond the limit. Blacklists will block certain items or reshuffle buying order. Some things to keep in mind: the Research options will be halted at an optimal level, if either the Grandmapocalypse blacklist is active, Shiny Wrinkler protection is active, or the season is Easter or Halloween, as those seasons can use wrinklers.
  • Other Upgrades Some upgrades don't provide direct CpS bonuses so the normal Autobuy will never guy them. This option will.
  • Auto Blacklist Turns off the selected blacklist (next option) if it served its purpose.
  • Blacklist This contains the Speedrun and Hardcore blacklists required for some of the born again achievements, as well as one to disable ever entering or proceding with the Grandmapocalypse, and a bonus mode that will not buy any buildings.
  • Mine limit Auto-Godzamok uses mines and factories so it makes sense to put a maximum cap on these, as otherwise rebuying will cost more than was gained. The actual tipping point depends on your max CpS so this cannot be predetermined. For mid game (when you can earn enough HCs at a good pace), try a value around 500. For very late game (all upgrades bought), try values around 800.
  • Factory limit See Mine limit
  • Pastemode Turning this on is a very stupid idea.

Other automatic options

  • Auto Bulkbuy This sets the bulk buy mode directly after ascending only. It does not carry over on reloads. If some buildings are capped, it will temporarily bypass bulk buy for those if they are near the cap.
  • Auto Buy All Upgrades This will effectively hit the 'buy all upgrades' button as many times as it can until at least one prestige level (heavenly chip) is earned.
  • Autoascend This is mainly useful if you're grinding out ascensions for Endless Cycle, or want to build up your HC boost. Note that it can take a few seconds before the upgrade screen disappears each ascension, the transition isn't instantaneous.
  • Autopop Wrinklers Pop any wrinklers, either the moment they appear, or when they have eaten enough to provide a decent bonus toward the next purchase. This is ignored during the Halloween and Easter seasons as long as some halloween cookies and eggs are still not found.
  • Save Shiny Wrinklers This overrides the Autopop function for the shiny wrinkler, and will also prevent the Grandmapocalypse from ever ending, if enabled.
  • Autoharvest Sugar Lump Will harvest a lump as soon as it is safe to do so (ripe). It can also swap in Rigidel automatically to make the harvest occur up to one hour early.
  • Auto-Dragon's Curve Will swap the dragon aura to Dragon's Curve when a lump is harvested, to try to get an unusual type. Can also swap in Reality Bending at the same time for an ever bigger chance at unusual lumps. Enabling DC at harvest increases your average number lumps over time (as long as the game is open) by 3,5%, using DC and RB increases this to 3.8%!
  • Sugar Baking Guard For all actions that automatically spend a sugar lump, this will block them from working if it would make the number of stored Sugar Lumps go below 100, to keep the max Sugar Baking bonus.
  • Auto-Golden Switch The Golden Switch gives a good CpS boost but prevents cookies from appearing while active. This option toggles the GS the moment a clicking frenzy starts and turns it off when this ends.
  • Auto-Godzamok Godzamok allows for the Devastation boost which can help clicking frenzies earn immense amounts of cookies. If enabled, it will sell mines and factories the moment a CF starts and Godzamok is an active god. If these buildings are not capped, Auto-Godzamok will sell and rebuy up to 500 of each, otherwise it will sell all and rebuy up to the cap.
  • Auto-Banking This will upgrade the bank office level the moment you have enough cursors to do so.
  • Auto-Broker This will hire stock brokers, if the next Autobuy upgrade is a building, and it can afford to do so. If you're not playing the stock market, don't bother with this.
  • Auto-Loans If the bank office level has unlocked one or more loans, setting this option will take the first loans once a clicking frenzy is active and the total frenzy is higher than the set number. The first choice will take the modest (2h/4h) loan and the pawnshop (40s/40m) loan, the second choice will also take the retirement (2d/5d) loan.

Pantheon options

  • Auto Pantheon The main option to toggle slotting the gods or not. The next three options are to select a god per slot. If the same god is set to multiple slots, the highest rank slot stays and the lower one is automatically cleared.
  • Auto-Cyclius If enabled, turns off the Auto Pantheon. Cyclius' bonus over the course of the day can be maximized by switching him between slots periodically. This option will automate that process. The first option will swap Cyclius between the Ruby and Jade slots, the second option will also use the Diamond slot. Auto-Cyclius works best if the Auto Pantheon is set with three gods other than Cyclius in all slots. For those periods where Cyclius only has negative effects, it will try to replace Cyclius with the gods from the Auto Pantheon options, and otherwise it will fall back to remove it and leave the slot empty. If Supreme Intellect is one of the dragon auras and auto-Cyclius is enabled, auto-Cyclius will swap to a modified version of the two slot option. See the schedule on https://cookieclicker.fandom.com/wiki/Pantheon

Grimoire options

  • Wizard Tower Cap This cap works different than the other building ones, since it will not directly cap at a given WT number, but instead at the amount of mana that is set. 37 is the best value for the auto cast FTHOF or manual casting option, for double casting higher values are needed (between 81 and 100). Setting this to any value over 100 is wasting mana and ruins spell casting speed.
  • Auto Cast FTHOF, Double Cast FTHOF, Auto Cast 100% Consistency Combo Select one of the auto casting methods. More details further on. Cannot use multiple options at once, the lowest enabled entry in the list will be active.
  • Auto Sugar Frenzy Will buy Sugar Frenzy with a sugar lump during the first 100% Consistency and/or Double Cast combo (depending on what is set) of that ascension. If Sugar Baking Guard is active, it will only buy ASF if you have 101 lumps or more. You can also set the minimum frenzy level before ASF should be bought, to prevent it from getting used on 'weak' combos.
  • Auto Sweet Experimental auto casting/ascending option to farm sugar lumps. This is dangerous as it cannot be turned off without access to the console. Do not enable unless you know how to. This will disable all other automated spell casting methods.

Dragon options

  • Dragon Upgrading Will buy a dragon upgrade as soon as it is possible to do so. This ignores any building chains and the like.
  • Dragon Petting Will spam click the dragon once it can be pet, until all four drops are unlocked for this ascension.
  • Dragon Auras Will set the desired aura. Aura 1 will be set in the first slot and Aura 2 will set in the second slot, even if Aura 2 could theoretically be set earlier.
  • Auto Dragon Orbs If Dragon Orbs is one of the active auras and Godzamok is not a slotted god, this will repeatedly sell Cortex bakers to try to spawn Golden Cookies. Works together with:
  • Cortex bakers Limit This will cap the number of Cortex bakers that can be bought to a given number to make sure ADO doesn't wipe out all your cookies.

Season options

  • Default Season Will buy the given season, if no season is active and all other seasons with drops have had all their upgrades unlocked. This will immediately change seasons if possible, so turn off Auto-Buy if you're going through the list to avoid overpaying.
  • Free Season Will override the Default Season option to stay in the game's base season. This can be set for either Christmas and Business Day only (the two seasons that provide benefits throughout) or for all five seasons.
  • Auto-Easter Switch If you do not have all eggs yet, this will instantly start Easter the moment a Cookie Storm starts. This because eggs can be extremely tedious to unlock by normal means.
  • Auto-Halloween Switch If you do not have all spooky biscuits yet, this will change to Halloween if the season is not Easter and there are wrinklers.

Bank options

All bank options will add a number of cookies to the next autoBuy purchase price, so it will never go below this amount from buying. This is separate from the 'Lucky' GC bank, which is always active. Multiple banks can be enabled at the same time, whatever is highest will be kept in reserve.

  • SE Bank Will keep half the cost of the highest owned building in reserve. This option is always enabled if you're auto-casting SE.
  • Harvesting bank Some plants give bonus cookies when they are harvested or let explode. For example, Bakeberries will give up to 30 minutes of CpS when harvested, but are limited to 3% of the stored cookies. Enabling this for Bakeberries will make sure that 3% of your bank is always equal to 30 minutes of current CpS.
  • Harvesting during CpS multiplier This will work with the above option to also take a CpS multiplier into account. If you intend to harvest always during a frenzy and/or 1 or more building specials for optimal returns, this will increase the Harvesting bank value.

Other options

Not all of these work on the Steam version.

  • Shortcuts Enable the following keyboard shortcuts:
    • Press 'a' to toggle autobuy.
    • Press 'b' to pop up a copyable window with building spread.
    • Press 'c' to toggle auto-GC
    • Press 'e' to pop up a copyable window with your export string
    • Press 'r' to pop up the reset window
    • Press 's' to do a manual save
    • Press 'w' to display a wrinkler-info window
  • GC Clicked percentage Golden Cookie effiency calculations by default assume all GCs were clicked. If for whatever reason you're not clicking GCs, set this to the approximate value for improved calculations. Don't touch if you don't know what that means.

Display options

  • Show Missed GCs The game keeps track of how many GC clicks were missed. Enabling this option makes the info appear under Golden Cookie Information. Hidden by default.
  • Number Display Will toggle between various ways to show numbers.
    • RAW just shows the numbers as a string.
    • FULL writes out the full names, eg. '3.753 trillion', '4.589 vigintillion', etc.
    • INITIALS does the same as FULL but shortens these: '3.753T', '4.589Vg', etc.
    • SI Units uses canon SI prefixes. This stops being useful at 10^33 (1e33), and will display Infinity.
    • SCIENTIFIC uses 10^x names in the form of e notation, eg. 6.3e12 for 6.3 x 10^12.
  • Infobox The mod can show an info window of its next purchase and any active frenzies in the milk window, either as text, as a graphic, or both. Graphics can slow down the game.
  • Logging Will log everything the mod does in the Javascript console, except for what Autobuy just bought (to keep it useful). Disabling this slightly improves performance. It's useless on Steam.
  • Purchase Log Will also log every purchase and resulting CpS.
  • Frame Rate Speed up or slow down the entire game.
  • Tracking Allows you to keep track of earned Heavenly Chips, raw CpS, and actual CpS over intervals and view this with View Stat Graphs. This will slow down the game and can even cause it to run out of memory if left enabled long enough, but can be useful to compare building spreads, slotted gods, dragon auras, etc.
  • Recommended This will set all Frozen Cookies options to predefined values intended for mid to late game. If you are not sure what FC can do for you, you can opt to use this setting to get a start with values that will work good enough for everyone. It will force a save and reload to properly activate everything immediately once clicked. DO NOT USE if you already are familiar with FC as it will reset EVERY OPTION. Don't come complaining to me if you did enable it and lost your preferred setup.

Efficiency? What's that?

Frozen Cookies uses a custom tweaked Efficiency calculation to determine what the optimal purchase at the current point in time is. The current raw efficiency formula is the following:

           cost         cost
1.15 * ----------- + ---------
       current cps   delta cps

This originated from the assertion that, for any purchases A and B, purchase A is superior if and only if the following inequality is true:

a.cost     b.cost       b.cost     a.cost
------ + -----------  < ------ + -----------
 CPS     a.CPS + CPS     CPS     b.CPS + CPS

Initially, this was just simplified down to (cost/cps + cost/Δ cps), but thanks to a number of repeated simulations by Vandalite, it was found that adding a modifier to the (cost/cps) section very slightly increased the optimal build speed, as can be seen here:

Cookie Monster uses the more naïve (cost/Δ CPS) formula, which is far less efficient than either of the Frozen Cookie efficiency algorithms.

For Golden Cookies, it was determined that using the naïve cost/Δ cps to determine when it is optimal to begin building a bank for Golden Cookies is superior to our primary efficiency algorithm, since you actually gain effective CPS increases continually while building bank (from increased Lucky payouts).

All of these calculations are subject to change if it is revealed that a different algorithm will build (and maintain) a CPS base faster than the current one. Additionally, there is uncompleted code that will simplify these numbers to a simple percentage-based system for easier user reference.

Special casting combos

This fork includes some different auto casting combo mechanics. Brief documentation and setup guides follow.

Smart Auto cast

Auto cast will cast the selected spell when max mana is reached, with some exceptions:

  • If the next detected spell is 'Sweet' (free Sugar lump), it will always cast Force the Hand of Fate (FTHOF) next, if it has enough mana
  • If the next detected spell is either Clot or Ruin cookies AND you are currently under a timed debuff like a clot, it will cast Stretch Time to shorten the timer
  • If the next detected spell is either Clot or Ruin cookies and you are not currently under a timed debuff, it will cast Haggler's Charm instead of the selected spell, to avoid a backfire
  • If there is an unclicked cookie on screen and the next FTHOF spell is a backfire, it will wait until the unclicked cookie has been or has expired

If the selected spell is FTHOF, there are some additional checks:

  • If the next detected spell is Click Frenzy, it will not cast the spell unless either a Frenzy or Dragon Harvest plus a Building Special are active for long enough to last the entire spell
    • If Reaper of Fields is one of the active dragon auras, it will require both a Frenzy and Dragon Harvest, plus the Building Special.
  • If the next detected spell is either Elder Frenzy or Cursed Finger, it will not cast this spell unless a Click Frenzy or Dragonflight is active for long enough to last the entire spell

Double Cast FTHOF

Double Cast FTHOF replaces Auto Cast. If the combo is enabled, it will look for a clicking frenzy and two building specials before casting, for a massive boost. Any other spell will be replaced by Haggler's Charm, with the same exceptions as the Smart Auto cast system above.

The possible combos are:

  • Stored Click Frenzy and Elder Frenzy and a natural Frenzy or Dragon Harvest, plus a Building Special
  • Stored Click Frenzy and a Building Special and a natural Frenzy or Dragon Harvest, plus a Building Special
  • Two stored Building Specials and a natural Frenzy or Dragon Harvest, plus any clicking frenzy (Click Frenzy, Dragonflight, or Elder Frenzy)
    • If Reaper of Fields is one of the active dragon auras, it will require both a natural Frenzy and Dragon Harvest, plus the other boost(s).

If such a combo is detected, it will quickly cast the first spell, sell enough wizard towers for dualcasting, then cast the second spell, for a four way boost in total. This can earn decades of cookies in a single combo.

Dualcasting does require a set level of minimum mana, depending on your Wizard Tower levels:

  • WT level 1-4: 81 min mana
  • WT level 5: 83 min mana
  • WT level 6: 88 min mana
  • WT level 7: 91 min mana
  • WT level 8: 93 min mana
  • WT level 9: 96 min mana
  • WT level 10: 98 min mana

(Calculated with https://lookas123.github.io/CCGrimoireCalculator/ and https://www.desmos.com/calculator/r9mywixego)

For convenience sake, you can just set max mana to 100 for all WT levels. The code will work with any value equal to or higher than the minimum, but because of how the mana refueling system works setting having any higher than 100 mana is not recommended.

The combo will not work if you upgrade Wizard Towers beyond level 10.

100% Consistency Combo

Based on the 100% Consistency endgame click combo*, this is basically the FTHOF Double Casting Combo on steroids. It will only work with Wizard Towers on level 10 and a max mana of 100 (or higher). The 100% combo will completely automate almost every system and use a sugar lump to cast up to four spells in succession to get a maximum possible combo.

It follows the same rules as the FTHOF Double Casting Combo until it detects the next combo can be cast.

In order to use this, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have 98 or higher max mana
  • Have at least 1 sugar lump in reserve (101 recommended to keep the Sugar baking bonus)
  • The dragon must be fully upgraded, so you can have two auras
  • Have at least 1 god swap in reserve, OR have both Godzamok in Diamond and Mokalsium in Ruby already
  • Have whiskerblooms unlocked in the garden (any current plants will be harvested -- this includes growing Juicy queenbeets!)

For optimal use, also turn off any mine and factory building caps in Frozen Cookies settings before enabling the combo.

Note: while the combo is active, it will let any wrath cookies expire. This is by design, as they are incredibly likely to be clots.


Auto Sweet

Not technically a spell combo. If enabled, Auto Sweet will continually rapidly ascend until a grimoire seed with 'Sweet' (free Sugar Lump) in the first 10 spells is found, then it will cast Haggler's Charm until 'Sweet' has been cast. After that, it turns itself off.

WARNING: once activated, it can only disabled in the console with FrozenCookies.autosweet = 0 or if it has actually cast 'Sweet'. There is currently no way to turn it off on Steam.

Information about Frozen Cookies' Data

This is an explanation of each piece of data contained in the Frozen Cookie menu screen:

Autobuy Information

  • Next Purchase: This is what FC's formulas have determined is the optimal next purchase, and if autobuy is turned on, is what FC will buy next.
  • Building Chain to: This is only visible if FC has calculated that the best purchase is an upgrade that has prerequisites that are not yet met. In that case, this is that upgrade (whereas the "Next Purchase" will be the recommended prerequisite to purchase).
  • Time til completion: This is how long, at your current CPS, it will take to purchase the Next Purchase. This includes any calculated needed GC Bank.
  • Time til Chain completion: Only visible if building to a chain, this is how long, at your current CPS, it will take to purchase all prerequisites and the target upgrade.
  • Cost: The cost of the Next Purchase.
  • Golden Cookie Bank: The amount of cookies that FC has calculated you should keep on hand as a bank to maximise the value from Golden Cookies.
  • Base Δ CPS: The total amount of displayed CPS that will increase from the Next Purchase. (This includes all bonuses, regardless of what items they're on - it's just the raw amount that your CPS will increase above the Big Cookie.)
  • Full Δ CPS: The amount of estimated effective CPS that will increase from the Next Purchase. This is the Base Δ CPS + the amount of change in the estimated CPS value of Golden Cookies.
  • Purchase Efficiency: This is the efficiency calculation for the next purchase. If building to a chain, this may temporarily appear much worse than other options. If the recommendation engine formula changes, this number will too.
  • Chain Efficiency: Only visible if building to a chain. This is the efficiency calculation for the entire chain. (This currently does not take into account CPS increases from the purchase of prerequisites, and thus is actually under-estimating how efficient the full chain will be, to simplify calculations. This may be changed at a later date.)
  • Golden Cookie Efficiency: This the efficiency calculation of holding on to a bank of 10x Max Golden Cookie Value (and thus maximize the amount of Cookies earned across all Golden Cookie clicks).

Golden Cookie Information

  • Current Average Cookie Value: This is the average value of Golden Cookies with your current CPS, Cookie Bank, and upgrades. This is the idealised equivalent to clicking 1000 Golden Cookies with your current CPS/Bank/Upgrades, and then dividing the total amount of Cookies gained by 1000. If your GC Average is currently maxed out, then this will be marked as (Max).
  • Max Lucky Cookie Value: This is the absolute maximum value that you can get from a Lucky! Golden Cookie, with the upgrades you have purchased. (Specifically, if you have Get Lucky, it's 8400 _ Current CPS; Otherwise, it's 1200 _ Current CPS).
  • Cookie Bank Required for Max Lucky: This is the amount of cookies needed to maximise a Lucky! Golden Cookie. It's just the previous value * 10.
  • Estimated Cookie CPS: This is a rough estimate of how much CPS you'd effectively add by clicking every Golden Cookie. Currently, with the Autoclick GC turned off, this will return 0.
  • Golden Cookie Clicks: The number of times you've clicked a Golden Cookie.
  • Missed Golden Cookie Clicks: The number of times you've not clicked a Golden Cookie before it faded from view.
  • Last Golden Cookie Effect: The internal name of the last Golden Cookie effect.
  • Total Recorded Frenzy Time: The total amount of time (while FC was loaded) that has been spent in a Frenzy.
  • Total Recorded Non-Frenzy Time: The total amount of time (while FC was loaded) that has been spent not in a Frenzy.

Heavenly Chips Information

  • HC Now: The number of HC currently owned.
  • HC After Reset: The number of HC you'll have if you reset right now.
  • Cookies to next HC: The number of cookies needed to gain one more HC after reset.
  • Estimated time to next HC: This is how long, at your current CPS, it will take to make enough cookies to gain one more HC after reset.
  • Time since last HC: This is how long it has been since the last time you gained an HC.
  • Time to get last HC: This is how long it actually took (including lucky bonuses, frenzy time, etc) to gain the last HC.
  • Average HC Gain/hr: When the last HC was gained, this was the total number of HC that have been gained (ever) since the last reset, divided by the total amount of play time. Used in conjunction with the next value, this provides a (very) rough estimate of when you should begin to think about resetting. (When Average HC/hr is constantly less than Prev HC/hr.)
  • Previous Average HC Gain/hr: This is the same calculation as the previous, but for the HC prior to the last one. (Yes, it's confusing. Sorry.)

Other Information

  • Base CPS: This is how many cookies you create every second, when a Frenzy is not active. (Marked with (*) when this is the current CPS.)
  • Frenzy CPS: This is how many cookies you create every second, when a Frenzy is active. (Marked with (*) when this is the current CPS.)
  • Estimated Effective CPS: This is an estimate (over time) of roughly how many cookies you create every second, when including the effects of clicking Golden Cookies. This will currently be the same as the Base CPS if Autoclick GC is turned off.
  • Game Started: How long it's been since the most recent reset.

Internal Information

This is actually a table of literally every purchase that Frozen Cookies is currently considering buying.

  • Efficiency: The calculated Efficiency value of that purchase. This returns Infinity if the Δ CPS is negative. Smaller numbers are better.
  • Cost: The cost of either the individual purchase, or the entire chain, for chained upgrades.
  • Δ CPS: The full CPS change that buying this purchase would have. Includes estimated Golden Cookie CPS changes, meaning that it may be negative (especially for Elder Covenant.)

Contact info and credits

Below info is for the official Frozen Cookies.


For developers / code intended behavior purposes only. https://discord.gg/Cpw8csuypT

Contact Us!

Everyone who is contributing to this project can be found at some time or another on the Cookie Clicker IRC.

Server: irc.gamesurge.net

Channel: #ccdev or #dashnet

Special Thanks

From the Cookie Clicker IRC, thanks to the following users:

  • Bryanarby, for continuing development and update compatibility
  • Vandalite, for tons of calculations and other general help with the underlying math
  • Code14715, for excessively helpful amounts of testing
  • Eearslya, for constantly nagging me to add more non-cheat-y features
  • Saeldur, for helping make the timers suck less
  • Icehawk78, for writing this section and being a conceited ass
  • Other people who I've temporarily forgotten and will add later