
Minesweeper game in terminal

Primary LanguageJulia


Minesweeper game in terminal created to familirize myself with the basics of Julia.

Game modes

  • Beginner: 9x9 board containing 10 mines
  • Intermediate: 16x16 board containing 40 mines
  • Expert: 16x30 board containing 99 mines
  • Custom: allows load your own board configuration

How to play

After choosinga game mode, the corresponding board will be shown in terminal as follows.

A screeshot of an ongoing game

The prompt will ask you for a cell and an action to apply on that cell. There are two possible actions:

  • ! : marking a cell, indicating that there is a mine and it shouldn't be opened
  • * : opening a cell

For example, in order to mark cel Hd, you should input


It is possible to provide several actions in a single input. These will be applied sequentially. For example, to open cells Aa and Bd and mark cell Gc, you would have to provide the input


Creating a custom board

A custom board configuration can be specified in a .txt file. The first row of the file should contain the number of rows and the number of columns. Afterwards, each cell can be represented as empty with a . or mined with a *. Files board1.txt, board2.txt and board3.txt contain examples of configurations. In the case of board3.txt, a 4x4 board containing 4 mines is specified as follows:

4 4 