
Google App Engine for vishnevskiy's battlenet library

Primary LanguagePython

These instructions are written for someone who has already deployed a simple Google App Engine site using Python. If you don't know how to do that don't worry it's easy and you will be able to figure it out quickly.

There are five components. While you only need a Google App Engine account and vishnevskiy's Python Library (1, 2) for a minimalist configuration it is highly recommended that you download the additional libraries and unit testing frameworks (3, 4) and Blizzard's API docs (5). A complete installation will make it much easier to test the library and your own code.

1. A Google App Engine (GAE) account and Python driven site:

2. vishnevskiy's Python Library for Blizzard's Community Platform API:

3. A library that provides functions that vishnevskiy uses:

4. The unit testing framework for Google App Engine

5. The published API docs from Blizzard (optional, but I like to add it)

These instructions assume that you have already defined and tested a simple Python driven Google App Engine site and that you have changed into that directory to run the following commands.

Step 1: Configure the app.yaml file, install static files, and test the site.

You'll obviously have to change the "application" name at the top to match the name of your application. In addition to the test.* handler there are handlers for static files and docs. The last three handlers are not strictly necessary but I have them so that static files (images, css files, etc.) can be easily added to the site and API docs can be easily made available on the site.

Redirects people who access /docs to /docs/ so that they can get to the documentation

Provides the index.html and any other static files you want to deliver

Deploy the site now and verify that the index.html in static/ is being delivered.

Step 2: Download and unpack the latest version of the library from vishnevskiy:
wget https://github.com/vishnevskiy/battlenet/tarball/master --no-check-certificate
tar zxf master
mv vishnevskiy-battlenet-* vishnevskiy-battlenet
mv master vishnevskiy-battlenet.tar.gz

## Make the test directory that the GAE Unit Testing framework will send requests to
mkdir -p ./test/
cd ./test

## Move the tests from vishnevskiy's library into this directory so the GAE
## can find them and then do the same for the library itself.
mv ../vishnevskiy-battlenet/tests/test_*.py .
mv ../vishnevskiy-battlenet/battlenet .
cd ..

## Remove the stripped out directory, the fewer files the better when uploading to GAE
rm -rf ./vishnevskiy-battlenet

Step 3: Download unittest2 and put it somewhere that the GAE code will easily find it
cd ./test/

wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/u/unittest2/unittest2-0.5.1.tar.gz
tar zxf unittest2-*.tar.gz
rm unittest2-*.tar.gz

## The library itself is in a subdir of the unpacked directory, so use a sym link
## to make that directory visible at the top level of the GAE app so it's easy
## to access.
ln -s unittest2-*/unittest2 unittest2
cd ..

Step 4: Download and install the Google App Engine unit testing framework
wget http://gaeunit.googlecode.com/files/gaeunit-1.2.8.zip
unzip gaeunit-1.2.8.zip
cp gaeunit-1.2.8/gaeunit.py .

## Remove the unpacked directory, the fewer files the better when uploading to GAE.
rm -rf gaeunit-1.2.8/

Deploy the site!
You should now have a working unit test available on your Google App Engine site.
Note the lack of a trailing "/", on the URL, that's important.

Optional step: Adding Blizzard's latest API docs to the site.
## Change into the Google App Engine site directory (the one with app.yaml in it)

## Download the most recent version of the docs.
wget https://github.com/Blizzard/api-wow-docs/tarball/master --no-check-certificate
tar zxf master
rm master

cd Blizzard-api-wow-docs-*/
xmllint --xinclude docbook.xml > docbook-new.xml
xsltproc --stringparam html.stylesheet "style.css" \
  api-wow.xsl docbook-new.xml > index.html
mkdir ../static/docs/
mv *.json ../static/docs/
mv *.html ../static/docs/
mv *.css ../static/docs
cd ..

## Be sure to remove the doc components otherwise the GAE site may not upload
rm -rf Blizzard-api-wow-docs-*

This may take a little while to copy all the data up to the Google App Engine site.
Be patient, when it's done you should have a Google App Engine complete with unit tests, documentation and everything you need to make use of Blizzard's Community Platform API.