
Node.js Library using scripture.bible.api REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Promised-wrapped Node library and ORM for https://scripture.api.bible/.

This includes a bibleService which is a promised-wrapped library for the API with some convenience methods.

But it also includes an ORM that turns data into Bible, Book, Chapter, Verse, and Passage objects that have their own convenience methods and relations for easier navigation of scripture.


  • Node 12+
  • NPM 6.14.12

API Token from Scripture.API.Bible

  1. go to https://scripture.api.bible
  2. Sign up
  3. Go to Applications
  4. Create a new application
  5. After it's created you will need the credentials


This is thoroughly documented via JSDoc and a Github Wiki

Using the API and this library amounts to three steps:

  1. Create the Bible Service
  2. Use the Bible service to get the id for a Bible
  3. Do stuff with a Bible id

The Bible Id that you get is needed to get any data from the API. For this reason, there exists a whole ORM that you can use which turns books, chapters, verses, and passages into objects that let you request data when you want it.

But you can't get there until you have at least a service.

Creating a new Bible Service

You may want multiple services if you plan on using different versions of the api, or fetching text and audio.

Basic Example

const {BibleService} = require('berea');

const service = new BibleService('someLongToken');

Setting a Version

As the API itself is version controlled, the library is too. This is an optional second parameter:

const {BibleService} = require('berea');

const service = new BibleService('someLongToken', 1);

Setting the medium

The Bible API itself offers text and audio. As you may want one over the other, this is an optional third parameter. The options are text or audio.

const {BibleService} = require('berea');

const service = new BibleService('someLongToken', 1, 'audio');

Setting options in requests

All of the request options are documented. One notable difference between how this library works is that options can be camelCased.

While the API will require content-type if you want to set options, you can send contentType.

Look in src/constants/requestParameters.js for all of the aliases. RequestParameters is also set as a static property on the BibleService class.

Getting Bibles

Before getting verses, chapters, or passages, you need a bibleId. The only way to know that is to look at all of the Bibles, first.

Get all Bibles

async function doThings() {
  const bibles = await service.getBibles();


Get Bibles with options

async function doThings() {
  const bibles = await service.getBibles({
    language: 'eng'


Get One Bible

Once you've found a bibleId, you can get some information on it.

async function doThings() {
  const bible = await service.getBible('06125adad2d5898a-01');


Getting Books

About bookId:

A bookId is typically the first 3-letters of the name of a book.


  • Exodus => EXO
  • Mark => MAR

Get all books from a Bible (no options)

  • Request Options
  • Response (an array)
  • A Single parameter can be passed, an object, containing id for bibleId with additional options. Here, all that's passed is the bibleId as a string.
async function doThings() {
  const books = await service.getBooks('06125adad2d5898a-01');


Get all books from a Bible (with options)

  • Request Options
  • Response (an array)
  • A Single parameter can be passed, an object, containing id for bibleId with additional options. includeChapters is an option that's passed in.
async function doThings() {
  const books = await service.getBooks({ 
    id: '06125adad2d5898a-01'
    includeChapters: true,


Getting Chapters

About chapterId:

  1. Take the three-letter abbrevation ( EXO)
  2. Add a .
  3. Then add the number


  • Exodus 1 => EXO.1
  • Mark 8 => MAR.8

Get all chapters from a book

  • Request Options
  • Response (an array)
  • A Single parameter can be passed, an object, containing id for bibleId and bookId with additional options.
async function doThings() {
  const exodusChapters = await service.getChaptersFromBook('c315fa9f71d4af3a-01', 'EXO');

Get one chapter

  • Request Options
  • Response
  • A Single parameter can be passed, an object, containing id for bibleId and chapterId with additional options.
async function doThings(){
  const chapter = service.getChapter('c315fa9f71d4af3a-01', 'EXO.1');

Getting Verses

About verseId:

  1. Take the chapterId ( EXO.1)
  2. Add a .
  3. Then add the number


  • Exodus 1:1 => EXO.1.1
  • Mark 8:8 => MAR.8.8

Get all verses from a chapter

Note that this will not give you the content of the verses. It may be useful, however, in getting verseIds

async function doThings(){
  const chapter = service.getVersesFromChapter('c315fa9f71d4af3a-01', 'EXO.1');

Get one verse

  • Request Options
  • Response
  • A Single parameter can be passed, an object, containing id for bibleId and verseId with additional options.

Note that This only returns one verse, for multiples you want a passage.

async function doThings(){
  const chapter = service.getVerse('c315fa9f71d4af3a-01', 'EXO.1.1');

Get Range of verses

Note: This is an alias for getPassage()

async function doThings(){
  const chapter = service.getPassage('c315fa9f71d4af3a-01', 'EXO.1.1-EXO.1.20');

Getting Passages

About verseId:

  1. Take the verseId ( EXO.1.1)
  2. Add a -
  3. Then add the verseId for the last verse


  • Exodus 1:1-20 => EXO.1.1-EXO.1.20
  • Mark 8:8-14 => MAR.8.8-MAR.8.14

Get one passage

  • Request Options
  • Response
  • A Single parameter can be passed, an object, containing id for bibleId and passageId with additional options.
async function doThings(){
  const chapter = service.getPassage('c315fa9f71d4af3a-01', 'EXO.1.1-EXO.1.20');