
Public scripts for deployment of scv2 suite

Primary LanguageShell


Scripts and deployment configurations for deployment of SCV2 software.


All containers should be run via Docker compose. Docker compose is the preferred way to handle deployments. That is to say, it is not recommended to use the individual deployment scripts.

There are a handful of profiles that can be enabled/disabled to run all or only a subset of services. The profiles are listed below, and are explained in the update script.

Notes for deployment

Quick start

First time setup

  1. Ensure the following programs are installed: Docker >= 19.03.0, Docker-compose >= 3.8, Git >= 2.x.x
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Create and edit the .env file from .env.example file in the root directory of this repository
  • Change the tags according to the release branches you want to run, replacing the value after the = sign
  • E.g. for Modatek:

Start/update procedure

  • Run the update script
    • On Mac/Linux systems (or within WSL on Windows), run ./update.sh
    • On Windows (e.g. Powershell or similar), run ./update.ps1
  • Read the information and answer the prompts accordingly


Instructions for deployments (installations and updates) are as follows

New install

To install on a fresh machine, first ensure that the requisite programs are installed:

  • Docker >= 19.03.0
  • Docker-compose >= 3.8
  • Git >= 2.x.x
  • (optional) ffmpeg

Once these requirements are satisfied, proceed with the following steps

  1. Chose a directory in which to keep a copy of this repository. The standard is ~/scv2/git_clones/


mkdir ~/scv2/git_clones
cd ~/scv2/git_clones


mkdir ~/scv2/git_clones
cd ~/scv2/git_clones
  1. Clone this repo (https://github.com/pacefactory/deployment-scripts.git)


git clone https://github.com/pacefactory/deployment-scripts.git


git clone https://github.com/pacefactory/deployment-scripts.git
  1. Move into the directory


cd deployment-scripts


cd deployment-scripts
  1. Create and edit the .env file from .env.example file in the root directory of this repository
  • Change the tags according to the release branches you want to run, replacing the value after the = sign
  • E.g. for Modatek:
  1. Run the update script





Stop the deployment-scripts project





Advanced usage

Build images locally

One could build images and then use the scripts in this repo to bring the services online. An example process for this could look like:

  1. Pull source code for a given repo (will require privileged GitHub access). See below for repository listing for all services.
git clone https://github.com/pacefactory/scv2_dbserver.git
  1. Build the image. This will be different depending on the repo, but there will be a build_image.sh script present in the repo somewhere. You should then be able to see the new image with docker images

  2. Use the run_container.sh script in the appropriate subdirectory to bring the container online. IMPORTANT: Make sure to overwrite the image name when prompted in the script, if needed

Run single container


IMPORTANT: The single container run scripts (update_from_dockerhub.sh and run_container.sh) are not configured to use Docker volumes. Moreover, volumes and bind mounts are not interchangeable. This can result in possible data loss if using both docker-compose and single container scripts

To deploy by bringing each container online separately (manually), you can pull an image from DockerHub and spin up a container using the update_from_dockerhub.sh script, e.g.


Alternatively, if the image is already located on the machine, you can choose to run a new container directly with run_container.sh, e.g.


Performing this for all services (and changing scv2_dbserver appropriately for each) will bring the entire suite online.

Docker-compose usage

Profiles are used when running any docker compose command. To enable one or more profiles, run

docker compose --profile <profile_name> <command>

Linux (Ubuntu) Installation Notes

Run docker ... without sudo (Non-root user access)

By default on new Ubuntu installations, docker ... commands cannot be ran without sudo permissions. To change this, perform the following in a terminal:

  1. Create the docker group: sudo groupadd docker
  2. Add your user to the group: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  3. Log out/in of your session to see changes OR run the following: newgrp docker
  4. Verify you can run docker ... commands without sudo: docker run hello-world

For more info, see Docker Linux Post-install

Root User Data Location

If Docker is used without setting up non-root user access, data may be stored in the root home directory, /root. This may result in migration scripts not working properly and/or the illusion of missing data. Be sure to check this directory.

Windows Installation Notes

If using the WSL2 backend for Docker on Windows, resources need to be managed through the WSL container system.

To configure the allocation of physical resources (CPU, memory, etc.), one needs to create a .wslconfig in the location %UserProfile%\.wslconfig.

Example config file:

memory=8GB # Limits VM memory in WSL 2 to 8 GB
processors=4 # Makes the WSL 2 VM use four virtual processors

For more info, see Windows WSL Config

Changing default Docker storage path

Docker Desktop creates two WSL2 containers by default, docker-desktop and docker-desktop-data. The virtual disk images are stored by default in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\distro\ext4.vhdx and %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\data\ext4.vhdx, respectively. Any Docker images, container file systems, and volumes will be stored within these virtual disks.

To move the storage location (e.g. to another drive), one can recreate the WSL2 containers elsewhere AND preserve any existing Docker data whilst doing so. Be sure to replace C:\path\to\Docker with the appropriate destination storage path. The process is as follows:

  1. Stop Docker Desktop (including in the system tray)
  2. Check the installed WSL containers and verify they are stopped.
    1. In PowerShell, run wsl --list -v
    2. You should see output similar to that of WSL Container List with both containers being 'Stopped' before proceeding
  3. Make sure the new directories exist in your destination storage path
    1. Make sure the base directory, C:\path\to\Docker, exists (create it if it does not exist)
    2. Make sure the WSL subdirectory, C:\path\to\Docker\wsl, exists (create it if it does not exist)
    3. Make sure the data subdirectory, C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\data, exists (create it if it does not exist)
    4. Make sure the distro subdirectory, C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\distro, exists (create it if it does not exist)
  4. Export, remove, and recreate the docker-desktop container
    1. Export existing container in PowerShell: wsl --export docker-desktop "C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\distro\docker-desktop.tar"
    2. Remove existing container in PowerShell: wsl --unregister docker-desktop
    3. Import the container in PowerShell: wsl --import docker-desktop "C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\distro" "C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\distro\docker-desktop.tar" --version 2
  5. Export, remove, and recreate the docker-desktop-data container
    1. Export existing container in PowerShell: wsl --export docker-desktop-data "C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\data\docker-desktop-data.tar"
    2. Remove existing container in PowerShell: wsl --unregister docker-desktop-data
    3. Import the container in PowerShell: wsl --import docker-desktop-data "C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\data" "C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\data\docker-desktop-data.tar" --version 2
  6. Start Docker Desktop again, and ensure there are no issues during Docker Engine startup
  7. If everything appears to be working again, you may delete the exported container archives
    1. Delete docker-desktop data in PowerShell: rm C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\distro\docker-desktop.tar
    2. Delete docker-desktop-data data in PowerShell: rm C:\path\to\Docker\wsl\data\docker-desktop-data.tar

For more info, see Change WSL Docker Location and Docker WSL Volume Locations

WSL Container List

  NAME                   STATE           VERSION
* docker-desktop         Stopped         2
  docker-desktop-data    Stopped         2


Profile-to-service map

All services not listed below will always be put online, regardless of profiles used

Profile name Services
social social_video_server; social_web_app
ml service_classifier
proc service_processing
rdb relational_dbserver

GitHub Repositories

Service Repo
dbserver https://github.com/pacefactory/scv2_dbserver.git
realtime https://github.com/pacefactory/scv2_realtime.git
relational_dbserver https://github.com/pacefactory/scv2_relational_dbserver.git
services_dtreeserver https://github.com/pacefactory/scv2_services_dtreeserver.git
service_gifwrapper https://github.com/pacefactory/scv2_services_gifwrapper.git
service_classifier https://github.com/pacefactory/scv2_services_classifier.git
services_processing https://github.com/pacefactory/scv2_services_processing.git
webgui https://github.com/pacefactory/scv2_webgui.git
social_web_app https://github.com/pacefactory/social_web_app.git
social_video_server https://github.com/pacefactory/social_video_server.git


There are a few oddities in the repo:

  1. Container webgui is referred to as safety-gui2-js on DockerHub (and, by extension, in the image name too)