
Maps of the Political and Administrative Divisions of Canada.

Primary LanguageRApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



General idea

The idea is to avoid “duplications”, for example instead of adding a provinces map or others, we provide functions to sum Census Divisions in all possible cases.


ggplot(data = census_divisions) +
  geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry)) +
  labs(title = "Canada's Census Divisions")

The same idea can be applied to other maps with different levels of aggregation.

ggplot(data = get_agricultural_divisions()) +
  geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry)) +
  labs(title = "Canada's Census Agricultural Regions")

ggplot(data = get_economic_regions()) +
  geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry)) +
  labs(title = "Canada's Economic Regions")

ggplot(data = federal_electoral_districts) +
  geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry)) +
  labs(title = "Canada's Federal Electoral Districts")

ggplot(data = get_provinces()) +
  geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry)) +
  labs(title = "Canada's Provinces")

Lambert projection

We can change the CRS with the sf package but please read the explanation from Stats Canada.

# shortcut function to change the CRS
census_divisions <- lambert_projection(census_divisions)

ggplot(data = census_divisions) +
  geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry)) +
  labs(title = "Canada's Census Divisions")

Using real data

Let’s say I want to replicate the map from Health Canada, which was checked on 2023-08-02 and was updated up to 2024-02-25. To do this, I need to download the CSV file from Health Canada and then combine it with the provinces map from canadamaps.


url <- "https://health-infobase.canada.ca/src/data/covidLive/vaccination-coverage-map.csv"
csv <- paste0("data_processing/", gsub(".*/", "", url))
if (!file.exists(csv)) download.file(url, csv)

vaccination <- read_csv(csv, col_types = cols(prop5plus_atleast1dose = col_character())) %>%
  filter(week_end == as.Date("2024-02-25"), pruid != 1) %>%
  select(pruid, proptotal_atleast1dose) %>%
    proptotal_atleast1dose = as.numeric(case_when(
      proptotal_atleast1dose == ">=99" ~ 99,
      TRUE ~ proptotal_atleast1dose

vaccination <- vaccination %>%
  inner_join(get_provinces(), by = "pruid") %>% # canadamaps in action
    label = paste(gsub(" /.*", "", prname),
      paste0(proptotal_atleast1dose, "%"),
      sep = "\n"

An initial plot can be done with the following code.

# colours obtained with Chromium's inspector
colours <- c("#efefa2", "#c2e699", "#78c679", "#31a354", "#006837")

ggplot(vaccination) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = proptotal_atleast1dose, geometry = geometry)) +
  geom_sf_label(aes(label = label, geometry = geometry)) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = colours, name = "Cumulative percent") +
  labs(title = "Cumulative percent of the population who have received at least 1 dose of a COVID-19 vaccine") +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 13)

We can use different ggplot themes.

ggplot(vaccination) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = proptotal_atleast1dose, geometry = geometry)) +
  geom_sf_label(aes(label = label, geometry = geometry)) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = colours, name = "Cumulative percent") +
  labs(title = "Cumulative percent of the population who have received at least 1 dose of a COVID-19 vaccine") +
  theme_void() +
    legend.position = "top",
    plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)

If we want to fill the information for Alberta, which is not seen in the original map, we can fill and then filter.


vaccination <- read_csv(csv, col_types = cols(prop5plus_atleast1dose = col_character())) %>%
  arrange(pruid, week_end) %>%
  group_by(pruid) %>%
  fill(proptotal_atleast1dose, .direction = "down") %>% # Alberta is filled with an older value
  filter(week_end == as.Date("2024-02-25"), pruid != 1) %>%
  select(pruid, proptotal_atleast1dose) %>%
    proptotal_atleast1dose = as.numeric(case_when(
      proptotal_atleast1dose == ">=99" ~ 99,
      TRUE ~ proptotal_atleast1dose
  ) %>%
  inner_join(get_provinces(), by = "pruid") %>% # canadamaps in action
    label = paste(gsub(" /.*", "", prname),
      paste0(proptotal_atleast1dose, "%"),
      sep = "\n"
  ) %>%

ggplot(vaccination) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = proptotal_atleast1dose, geometry = geometry)) +
  geom_sf_label(aes(label = label, geometry = geometry)) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = colours, name = "Cumulative percent") +
  labs(title = "Cumulative percent of the population who have received at least 1 dose of a COVID-19 vaccine") +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 13)

Units of aggregation

Census Division

The finest division in this package is the Census Division (CDs) which can be of the next types (reference: https://www.statcan.gc.ca/en/subjects/standard/sgc/2011/sgc-tab-d).

Language form of CD type Abbreviation for English language publications Title for English language publications Abbreviation for French language publications Title for French language publications Abbreviation for bilingual publications Title for bilingual publications
Bilingual CDR Census division CDR Division de recensement CDR Census division / Division de recensement
Bilingual CT County CT Comté CT County / Comté
English only CTY County CTY County CTY County
English only DIS District DIS District DIS District
English only DM District municipality DM District municipality DM District municipality
French only MRC Municipalité régionale de comté MRC Municipalité régionale de comté MRC Municipalité régionale de comté
English only RD Regional district RD Regional district RD Regional district
English only REG Region REG Region REG Region
English only RM Regional municipality RM Regional municipality RM Regional municipality
French only Territoire équivalent Territoire équivalent Territoire équivalent
Bilingual TER Territory TER Territoire TER Territory / Territoire
English only UC United counties UC United counties UC United counties

The division type is specified in the census_divisions table.

Census Agricultural Regions

Census Agricultural Regions (CARs) can be obtained as sums of CDs. Excluding some special cases for Northwestern Territories, Nunavur and Yukon that we clarified over email communication, the source to match CDs to CARs was obtained from Census of Agriculture Reference Maps and manually organized in a spreadsheet (https://github.com/pachadotdev/canadamaps/tree/main/data_xlsx).

Economic Regions

Economic Regions (ERs) can be obtained as sums of CDs. The only special case is the Halton, which belongs to two economic zones and it’s the only CD that has to be carefully separated (i.e. see https://github.com/pachadotdev/canadamaps/blob/main/data_processing/02_census_divisions_and_derivatives.R).

Federal Electoral Districts

These cannot be obtained as sums of CDs, therefore these are stored in their own table federal_electoral_districts.