
Base architecture of autotesting framework with PageObject, selenium, pytest and yandex allure

Primary LanguagePython

Basic Architecture of UI Autotests

This basic architecture automated tests that can help you to create your own framework.

At the base are:

Running tests by Category

You can use pytest fixture for add category to your test, for example:

@pytest.mark.categories(component='logo', suite='smoke', country=['ru','uk'])

So test, which has component=log and country=ru, will be found via pytest, other tests will be skipped. This tests can be running via command

py.test --categories "component=logo,country=ru"


We will be use Allure reporting, because it is informative report and it is easy to integrate. Run pytest with additional parameter alluredir. In this folder allure will be generating XML and other files.

py.test --alluredir ./var

For generating allure report locally, you can use Allure Commandline Generate & open report:

allure generate ./var
allure report open


Python 3.5