2021-09-01 Wednesday
These are my solutions to the 30-Days-Of-Python challenge proposed by Asabeneth and that I met thanks to JaviCeRodriguez in the Discord community called FrontendCafé. I am just starting to learn Python since 2 months ago, so this challenge suits me very well.
Day challenge | Info challenge | My solution |
01 | Introduction | 01_day |
02 | Variables, Built-in Functions | 02_day |
03 | Operators | 03_day |
04 | Strings | 04_day |
05 | Lists | 05_day |
06 | Tuples | 06_day |
07 | Sets | 07_day |
08 | Dictionaries | 08_day |
09 | Conditionals | 09_day |
10 | Loops | 10_day |
11 | Functions | 11_day |