- 0
- 2
Feature request: add support for QR codes
#120 opened by wellloaded - 11
/sdcard/Android/data inaccessible on Android 13
#128 opened by platise - 13
/sdcard/Android/data inaccessible on Android 11
#103 opened by calisro - 1
Configuration problems on Android 14
#122 opened by Ratio2 - 1
while build gradle
#119 opened by waseem-GitHub-Live - 6
- 2
Feature: node graph view
#108 opened by pacien - 3
Crash when starting the VPN
#100 opened by pacien - 1
- 0
Disconnect when changing screen orientation
#118 opened by leow149 - 3
Android treats tinc connection over WiFi as metered
#114 opened by danielb42 - 2
Traffic getting out from tun0 but not back in
#115 opened by xrpdevs - 4
Add ability to define hosts for VPN connection
#93 opened by koalaeagle - 0
- 0
Some problems of tinc in Android
#110 opened by jenarlion - 2
- 0
Logging: rollover log files
#107 opened by pacien - 8
- 4
Select default trafic route. (feature request)
#104 opened by link0ln - 6
Battery Optimization causes unstable connection
#101 opened by jalius - 1
Default gateway..
#102 opened by borygo77 - 0
google play: set target API to 29
#97 opened by pacien - 0
- 1
- 6
Connections not going through
#95 opened by wolfy1339 - 0
Expose control socket through a local port
#96 opened by pacien - 8
- 2
- 1
- 2
"Could not start tinc" on Android 10
#90 opened by pacien - 3
Nothing happens if another app is set as always on VPN
#89 opened by codl - 1
- 4
web page not working
#86 opened by Bumerangas - 4
Fatal application error
#85 opened by g3n35i5 - 12
Loss of connection when changing the network
#84 opened by g3n35i5 - 3
- 2
Add support for Socks5 proxy
#83 opened by LivInTheLookingGlass - 1
Add a changelog
#82 opened by pacien - 0
- 0
- 1
Wifi/USB tether request
#78 opened by eldadh - 2
Route Problem on Galaxy Note 8
#77 opened by mshsoft - 3
Unable to get VPN working
#76 opened by Daniel15 - 5
Chromebook Support
#75 opened by rkeene - 1
LogLevel setting ignored
#74 opened by bellocarico - 1
- 2
Send ALRM to tinc process on network change
#70 opened by BrainDamage - 1
Fatal application error
#72 opened by pacien - 1
Fatar error in NetworkListFragment on app start
#71 opened by pacien