A minimal specification for purl aka. a package "mostly universal" URL, join the discussion at
- 2
Clarify what is `pkg:about` PURL
#397 opened by silverhook - 4
- 2
- 16
How to use `vers:` with `pkg:`?
#386 opened by jaimergp - 2
Clarify spec for type
#378 opened by johnmhoran - 1
Nuget version specification imprecise
#395 opened by ulfllorenz - 2
Clarify spec for scheme
#376 opened by pombredanne - 5
Clarify spec for subpath
#379 opened by johnmhoran - 0
Create new ADOPTERS.rst file
#393 opened by pombredanne - 1
Clarify spec for qualifiers
#382 opened by pombredanne - 1
Document PURL community meetings
#384 opened by johnmhoran - 0
Clarify spec for namespace and name
#381 opened by pombredanne - 4
Clarify spec for version
#380 opened by pombredanne - 0
purl for PPAs?
#387 opened by dodys - 0
purl for Ubuntu ESM?
#388 opened by dodys - 5
Proposal: Solution for Purl Type Definitions
#310 opened by stevespringett - 8
Automatic PURL generation from existing CPE or CSAF
#331 opened by adulau - 2
- 5
- 1
- 17
- 10
Define EBNF in specification
#363 opened by JimFuller-RedHat - 6
purl for snaps?
#355 opened by vpetersson - 1
- 1
- 0
There is a flaw in the VERSION-RANGE-SPEC
#358 opened by pstray - 5
pypi: Enhance guidance on how to reconstruct a "file_name" qualifier from inspecting installed Python packages
#349 opened by pombredanne - 0
Resolve spec-wide PURL encoding issues
#344 opened by johnmhoran - 0
- 1
Create a 'wordpress' type for Wordpress packages
#347 opened by johnmhoran - 1
Improve VERS spec
#328 opened by pombredanne - 4
- 0
Proposal: Add homepage_url
#339 opened by pombredanne - 0
[VERS] support composer's version scheme
#342 opened by jkowalleck - 0
- 3
Move "how to" guides as appendices
#334 opened by adaaaam - 6
App Stores
#327 opened by tonylturner - 3
Google Git PURL type
#326 opened by jsdratm - 0
- 3
- 4
Debian Repository URL Format should be clarified
#306 opened by captn3m0 - 2
Default maven repository
#303 opened by prabhu - 10
[Proposal] deno, jsr, and
#302 opened by prabhu - 3
- 1
Proposal: `github-release` type
#299 opened by steiza - 9
RFC: Join ECMA tc54 for PURL standardization
#295 opened by pombredanne - 0
#311 opened by PANCHOHACK - 2
Add vcpkg to list of candidate PURL types
#309 opened by kenwark - 3
Is this generic purl encoded correctly?
#304 opened by xnox - 2
Link to Purl Version-Range does not work
#298 opened by weichslgartner