
A tool to review packages for Sublime Text

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status PyPI Python Versions

A tool to review packages for Sublime Text 3 (and its package manager Package Control). Supports passing local file paths or URLs to GitHub repositories.

This README focuses on installation and usage of the tool. For how to resolve failures or warnings reported by the tool, refer to the wiki.


Requires Python 3.4 or higher.

$ pip install st-package-reviewer


usage: st_package_reviewer [-h] [--version] [--clip] [--repo-only] [-w] [-v]
                           [path_or_URL [path_or_URL ...]]

Check a Sublime Text package for common errors.

positional arguments:
  path_or_URL           URL to the repository or path to the package to be checked. If not provided, runs in interactive mode.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --clip                Copy report to clipboard.
  --repo-only           Do not check the package itself and only its repository.
  -w, --fail-on-warnings
                        Return a non-zero exit code for warnings as well.
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity.
  --debug               Enter pdb on exceptions. Implies --verbose.

Return values:
    0: No errors
    -1: Invalid command line arguments

Additional return values in non-interactive mode (a combination of bit flags):
    1: Package check finished with failures
    2: Repository check finished with failures
    4: Unable to download repository

Interactive mode:
    Enter package paths or repository URLS continuously.
    Type `c` to copy the last report to your clipboard.