
GitBook server in docker container

MIT LicenseMIT

GitBook Server

Introduction (why fork?)

This is my fork of Tobe's gitbook server Dockerfile. I've updated the Dockerfile to build a more recent version of gitbook (currently 3.2.2, I think) on top of Ubuntu 16.04. One of the repairs needed was the creation of a softlink from /usr/bin/nodejs to /usr/bin/node.

Note: the below "docker run" command will not work out-of-the-box because you cannot run "gitbook serve" until after you run "gitbook init". It's a bit of a chicken/egg issue which I'm working to solve (along with getting a more recent version of gitbook-editor up and running).


Clone your gitbook project in /home/yourname/yourbook or anywhere, then run this command.

docker run -d -p 4000:4000 -v /home/yourname/yourbook:/gitbook tobegit3hub/gitbook-server


On Fedora or any Linux computer with SELINUX as your Docker Server: If you get run docker logs container_name and the log appears like

Press CTRL+C to quit ...

Live reload server started on port: 35729
Starting build ...
EACCES, open '/gitbook/README.md'

It is most likely caused by the SELINUX settings restricting the container from accessing the folder. To add a rule to allow the container access to yourbook folder as root run:

chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /home/yourname/yourbook/

You should be able to start the container. Kensel found the answer to this problem [Here] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24288616/permission-denied-on-accessing-host-directory-in-docker)