
Proxy HackerNews and inject code that highlights (in yellow) those news sources which you define as undesirable (paywalls, ad heavy, etc.)

Primary LanguagePerl


This Perl script gets around the ad-blocking flame war by just highlighting the sites in your Hacker News listing that you pre-define as not wanting to visit. This script doesn't block anything. It just injects a little extra CSS style into the Hacker News article listing.


Hacker News really doesn't care that some news sources are paywalls or that others employ very annoying advertisements. I wrote this script after visiting one site whose text would jump around to make room for a video ad, after I started scrolling past the fourth or fifth paragraph.


1) Edit the "news" script to add your own sites.
2) Drop the "news" script in your /usr/bin/cgi-bin/ folder and point your browser at it.

