
RadioShark v1 on the Raspberry Pi 3

Connecting a RadioShark v1 to a Raspberry Pi 3 and a Bluetooth Speaker

Following are my notes on getting a v1.0 RadioShark and a 808 Bluetooth speaker working on a Raspberry Pi 3, running 2017-11-19-raspbian-stretch-lite. Installation of the OS is considered outside of the scope of these notes. Following steps are performed as root, unless otherwise noted.

Installing libhid


  1. Find a copy of the older libhid. I'd searched Google and found a copy at: http://sources.openelec.tv/mirror/libhid/

  2. Download the libhid code

wget http://sources.openelec.tv/mirror/libhid/libhid-0.2.16.tar.gz
  1. Untar the libhid tarball and cd into it
tar xvfz libhid0.2.16.tar.gz
cd libhid-0.2.16
  1. edit test/lshid.c and comment out line 41 so that it looks like:
//len = *((unsigned long*)custom);
  1. Immediately after the above line, add:

Note: The above is needed because the compiler see that those two variables are declared but never used.

  1. Install the development package for libusb
apt-get install libusb-dev
  1. Run configure

The tail end of the output should look something like:

| Configuration to be used:
|   CPP     : gcc -E
|   CC      : gcc
|   CFLAGS  : -O2 -Wall -W -Werror
|   CXX     : g++
|   CXXFLAGS: -O2 -Wall -W -Werror
|   LD      : /usr/bin/ld
|   LDFLAGS : -L/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf -lusb

Note: If the last line is only "LDFLAGS: " (with nothing following it), you've likely missed something.

  1. Build and install the binary via:
make install
  1. Cd back to home and get the shark code:
wget http://www.productivity.org/projects/shark/download/shark-1.0.tar
  1. Untar the shark tarball and cd into it:
tar xvf shark-1.0.tar
cd shark-1.0
  1. Using your favorite editor, edit the Makefile and cause the line after the "shark:" tag to look like:
        ${CC} -L/usr/local/lib/ -lusb -lhid -o shark shark.c
  1. Build and install the shark binary by running:
make install
  1. Plug in your RadioShark and run the following:
/usr/local/bin/shark -red 1
/usr/local/bin/shark -red 0

The above should cause the red LEDs in the RadioShark to come on and go off.

Note: If the above complains about not being able to find libhid.so.0, run "ldconfig".

Connecting the 808 Bluetooth speaker to the Raspberry Pi 3


  1. Install various packages via:
apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth bluez bluez-firmware mplayer
  1. Add root to the pulse permissions
adduser root pulse-access

Note: if you're intending to include Node-Red controls for shark, be sure to figure out which user the binary runs as and also run "adduser" for that user.

  1. Create /etc/dbus-1/system.d/pulseaudio-bluetooth.conf so that it contains:
  <policy user="pulse">
    <allow send_destination="org.bluez"/>
  1. Append the following to the end of /etc/pulse/system.pa
# Bluetooth support #
.ifexists module-bluetooth-discover.so
  load-module module-bluetooth-discover
  1. Create /etc/systemd/system/pulseaudio.service so that it contains:
Description=Pulse Audio

ExecStart=/usr/bin/pulseaudio --system --disallow-exit --disable-shm --exit-idle-time=-1

  1. Run the following to cause PulseAudion to start at boot:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable pulseaudio.service
  1. Restart Bluetooth via:
systemctl restart bluetooth

Note: you can check to see if it's running via:

systemctl status bluetooth

Note: Ignore the complaints about the SAP driver and server.

  1. Reboot your system and log back in as root

  2. Pair up the speaker by running:

power on
agent on
scan on

Note: Pause at this point, until the MAC address for "[808]" shows up, then run the following:

scan off

Output from the connect instruction should look like:

[bluetooth]# connect FC:58:FA:B8:C4:B4
Attempting to connect to FC:58:FA:B8:C4:B4
[CHG] Device FC:58:FA:B8:C4:B4 Connected: yes
Connection successful
[CHG] Device FC:58:FA:B8:C4:B4 UUIDs:
  1. Run the following
pactl list short|grep bluez

The output should look something like what's starting on line 201 at: https://github.com/davidedg/NAS-mod-config/blob/master/bt-sound/bt-sound-Bluez5_PulseAudio5.txt On mine, it looks like:

root@snipsbox:~# pactl list short|grep bluez
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
xcb_connection_has_error() returned true
12	module-bluez5-discover		
13	module-bluez4-discover		
14	module-bluez5-device	path=/org/bluez/hci0/dev_FC_58_FA_B8_C4_B4	
1	bluez_sink.FC_58_FA_B8_C4_B4	module-bluez5-device.c	s16le 2ch 44100Hz	SUSPENDED
2	bluez_sink.FC_58_FA_B8_C4_B4.monitor	module-bluez5-device.c	s16le 2ch 44100Hz	SUSPENDED
2	bluez_card.FC_58_FA_B8_C4_B4	module-bluez5-device.c
  1. Test the config by running:
mplayer -ao pulse a.mp3
  1. Run the following:
pactl list |more

Make note of the index number for the source and sink that you want to use (for me it was source=0 and sink=1)

  1. set the proper source and sink
pactl load-module module-loopback source=0 sink=1
  1. Tune the RadioShark to a local station by running:
shark -fm 98.7
  1. adjust the volume (on the sink and source) to suit, by running:
pactl -- set-sink-volume 1 50%
pactl -- set-sink-volume 1 -5%
pactl -- set-source-volume 0 80%

Get the current volume by running:

pactl list sinks|perl -000ne 'if(/#1/){/(Volume:.*)/;print "$1\n"}'


  1. You may need to add the following to /etc/pulse/daemon.conf:
resample-method = trivial
  1. I've experience periodic failures (where nothing goes to the Bluetooth audio). Also, the kernel log was full of "FIQ reported NYET" errors. The Interwebs recommended editing the tail end of /boot/config.txt and making it look like the below. It appears to work. Will provide updated status later.
# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

Note: other recommendations include setting the value to 0x5, 0x7, or 0xd. 0xf appears to work for me.

Note: you must reboot the RPi once you've made this change.

Update (16 Jan 2018): Making the above change (in the long run) had little effect. I was more successful with adjusting the sample rate in /etc/pulse/daemon.pa. I changed it from 44100 to 32000. The line should look like:


The above appears to fix both the "FIQ reported NYET" errors and the periodic crashing of the audio. As of this update, the radio has been playing for a little over 2 days, with an average load of about 0.20. Node-Red and LMS are also running on the same RPi.


Other points of interest