
Connect session storage for aws dynamo db.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


DynamoDB session store for Connect and Express

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Express or Connect integration

const session = require('express-session');
const DynamoStore = require('connect-dynamodb-session')(session);

  secret: 'foo',
  store: new DynamoStore({
    region: 'us-west-2',
    tableName: 'mySessionTable',
    cleanupInterval: 100000,
    touchAfter: 0

Create the table (optional - alternatively use the autoCreate option, see below)

For example using the aws cli:

aws \
    --region us-west-2 \
    dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name ${YOUR_TABLE_NAME} \
    --attribute-definitions AttributeName=id,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema AttributeName=id,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5

Be sure to read the aws documentation about ReadCapacityUnits and WriteCapacityUnits before deploying to production.


  • client (optional) provide your own client that exposes init, get, put, delete, setExpires & deleteExpired, see src/dynamo.js for an implementation.
  • ttl (optional, default: 1209600000 (two weeks)) expiration time of session in milliseconds. Fall back to use if the cookie does not have an expires value. Normally you set the expires value for the cookie:
  cookie: {maxAge: 1209600000},
  secret: 'foo',
  store: new DynamoStore(options)
  • cleanupInterval (optional, default: 300000 (five minutes)) how often to wait in-between scans of the the table to remove expired sessions. Set to 0 to never remove expired sessions.
  • touchAfter (optional, default: 10000 (ten seconds)) if the session hasn't changed, then don't persist it to dynamo more than once every 10 seconds. Set to 0 to always update dynamo WARNING setting to 0 can seriously impact your WriteCapacityUnits. Inspired by connect-mongo. Requires the resave session option to be false:
  secret: 'foo',
  resave: false, //don't save session if unmodified
  store: new DynamoStore({
    region: 'us-west-2',
    tableName: 'mySessionTable',
  • err (optional, default: () => {}) error logging, called with (message, error).
  • log (optional, default: () => {}) debug logging, called with (message).

AWS Options

  • region (required unless awsClient set) aws region to use.
  • tableName (required) name of the dynamodb table to use.
  • endpoint (optional) override the aws endpoint, for example to use a local dynamodb for development.
  • awsClient (optional) override the aws dynamo db client, for testing or to use a pre-configured client.
  • autoCreate (optional, default: false) if the table does not exist in aws, then attempt to create it on init
  • readCapacity (optional, default: 5) if autoCreate is true, and the table does not exist, then this setting is used to create the table NOTE this setting does not edit the capacity of a table that already exists.
  • writeCapacity (optional, default: 5) if autoCreate is true, and the table does not exist, then this setting is used to create the table NOTE this setting does not edit the capacity of a table that already exists.
  • consistentRead (optional, default: true) if this is set to false, then getting sessions is down with weak consistency which will reduce your reqired ReadCapacityUnits, but may cause issues, especially if you have multiple instances of your node server connecting to the same table.


Docker and docker-compose are required to run tests, since we are using local DynamoDB image for End-to-end testing

yarn lint
yarn test


The MIT License