
A Concourse resource for getting and setting values from with Consul's KV store

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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A Concourse resource for interacting with Consul's KV store.

concourse-consul-kv-resource can be used to get or set a key in Consul's KV store.

Source configuration

  • key: Required. The Consul key to interact with. Note that all URL path parts following /v1/kv are required. For example, if your key is my-consul:8500/v1/kv/my/key, then key should be "my/key".
  • host: Required. The Consul host.
  • token: Required. A Consul ACL token.
  • tls_cert: Required. A TLS cert for the Consul.
  • tls_key: Required. A TLS cert key for the Consul.
  • port: Optional. The port on which the Consul API is hosted. Defaults to 8500.
  • protocol: Optional. The protocol to use in calling the Consul API. Defaults to https.
  • skip_cert_check: Optional. Check the validity of the SSL cert.


in: Get a Consul KV key's value

Gets the value of the Consul KV key configured in the source.

out: Set a Consul KV key's value

Sets the Consul KV key configured in the source to the value specified in the params.


value or file must be set. Both cannot be set.

  • value: Optional. The value to set the key to.
  • file: Optional. The path to a file in which the intended value is written.

Example pipeline


- name: my-consul-key
  type: consul-kv
    token: my-acl-token
    host: my-consul.com
    tls_cert: my-cert-string
    tls_key: my-cert-key-string
    key: my/key


- name: consul-kv
  type: docker-image
    repository: clapclapexcitement/concourse-consul-kv-resource
    tag: latest


- name: set-my-consul-key
  - put: my-consul-key
      value: 'foobar'

- name: set-my-consul-key-from-a-file
  - put: my-consul-key
      file: my-new-key/my-key-file