
run jscs and pull request review comment

Actual script for TravisCI

# .travis.yml
before_script: ./bin/run-jscs.sh

# bin/run-jscs.sh
set -v
if [ -n "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" ] && [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" != "false" ]; then
  gem install --no-document checkstyle_filter-git saddler saddler-reporter-github

  git diff --name-only origin/master \
   | grep '.*\.js$' \
   | xargs ./node_modules/gulp-jscs/node_modules/.bin/jscs \
       --reporter checkstyle \
   | checkstyle_filter-git diff origin/master \
   | saddler report \
      --require saddler/reporter/github \
      --reporter Saddler::Reporter::Github::PullRequestReviewComment

exit 0

If you prefer to exec after_script, you can set this. see: Travis CI: Configuring your build


Travis CI: Encryption keys

$ gem install travis
$ travis encrypt -r <owner_name>/<repos_name> "GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<github_token>"


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using gulp.


Copyright (c) 2015 sanemat. Licensed under the MIT license.