
Vim and Tmux config files to use repeatedly

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Vim and Tmux config files to use repeatedly


brew install rg the_silver_searcher yamllint
# Fonts for NERDtree
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-hack-nerd-font

Set Nerd font on terminal: ryanoasis/vim-devicons#269 (comment)

Vim Plugins

  • Gruvbox colorscheme
  • Lightline
  • Fuzzy search
  • Git blame
  • ALE linting
  • YAML folding
  • Indent Line
  • Jedi vim (Python syntax, autocomplete)
  • NERDtree

Tmux config

  • Mapped prefix to instead of . Makes it easier for touch-typers by pressing CTRL with left pinkie finger and j with right index finger

Other tools for productivity on Mac

  • Lightshot: screenshot tool
  • Amphetamine: keep mac active
  • Rectangle: move and resize windows with keyboard shortcuts