
merge ideas from zustand + swr + valtio into a simple shared state

Primary LanguageJavaScript


merge ideas from zustand + swr + valtio into a simple shared state

  • zustand: create a store (not tied to component)
  • swr: only re-render for the values you rely on (getter)
  • valtio: use proxy and broadcast
const useStore = create({
  name: 'John',
  username: 'johndoe'

function NameDisplay() {
  const state = useStore()
  // Only re-renders when state.name changes
  // mutate the value directly rather than setState
  return <input value={state.name} onChange={e => state.name = e.target.value} />


similar version of this API in which you lose the setter but gain destructuring:

const [{ name }, setState] = useStore()

return <input value={name} onChange={e => setState({ name: e.target.value })} />


React Context version without creating a global store:

import { Provider, useContext } from 'state'

function Form() {
  return (
    <Provider value={{ name: 'John', username: 'johndoe' }}>
      <NameDisplay />

function NameDisplay() {
  const state = useContext()
  return <input value={state.name} onChange={e => state.name = e.target.value} />

wip thoughts