
🌐 Translations of LDS Scriptures

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LDS Scripture Translations

This repository aims to provide structured, machine-readable translations of the LDS scripture in various languages.

Although collecting translated scriptures is automated, it requires time and resource. If you need translation for a specific language, please feel free to submit an issue to this repository!

In the build branch of this repository are tar.gz files for each language. The files are named after their three-letter codes (not ISO, the Church uses a different scheme - I'm not aware of it's name). For example, the English translations are compressed in a file called eng.tar.gz. So feel free to use them as a static asset.

Supported languages are the following:

  • eng - English,
  • spa - Español,
  • kor - 한국어,
  • jpn - 日本語,
  • deu - Deutsch,
  • orm - Afaan Oromoo,
  • afr - Afrikaans,
  • ase - American Sign Language (ASL),
  • apw - Apache,
  • asf - Auslan,
  • aym - Aymar Aru,
  • ind - Bahasa Indonesia,
  • msa - Bahasa Melayu,
  • bam - Bambara,
  • tzo - Bats'i k'op,
  • bik - Bikol,
  • bis - Bislama,
  • cak - Cakchiquel,
  • cat - Català,
  • ceb - Cebuano,
  • ces - Česky,
  • cha - Chamoru,
  • nya - Chichewa,
  • cym - Cymraeg,
  • dan - Dansk,
  • nav - Diné bizaad,
  • cuk - Dulegaya,
  • yor - Èdè Yorùbá,
  • est - Eesti,
  • efi - Efik,
  • guz - EkeGusii,
  • eus - Euskera,
  • ton - Faka-tonga,
  • fat - Fante,
  • hif - Fiji Hindi,
  • chk - Fosun Chuuk,
  • fon - Fɔngbè,
  • fra - Français,
  • smo - Gagana Samoa,
  • tvl - gana Tuvalu,
  • grn - Guaraní (Avañe'ẽ),
  • hil - Hiligaynon,
  • hmo - Hiri Motu,
  • hmn - Hmoob,
  • hrv - Hrvatski,
  • haw - ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi,
  • sto - I^ethka (Yethka),
  • ibo - Igbo,
  • ilo - Ilokano,
  • nbl - isiNdebele,
  • xho - isiXhosa,
  • zul - isiZulu,
  • isl - Íslenska,
  • ita - Italiano,
  • kos - Kahs Kosrae,
  • mah - Kajin Majōl,
  • qvi - Kichwa,
  • kam - Kikamba,
  • kin - Kinyarwanda,
  • gil - Kiribati,
  • swa - Kiswahili,
  • niu - ko e vagahau Niuē,
  • hat - Kreyòl Ayisyen,
  • lav - Latviešu,
  • lit - Lietuvių,
  • lin - Lingála,
  • yua - maayaʼ tʼàan,
  • hun - Magyar,
  • pon - Mahsen en Pohnpei,
  • mlg - Malagasy,
  • mlt - Malti,
  • mam - Mam,
  • rar - Māori Kuki Airani,
  • nld - Nederlands,
  • bla - Nitsi’powahsin,
  • cag - Nivacle,
  • nor - Norsk,
  • pau - Palauan,
  • pam - Pampango,
  • pag - Pangasinan,
  • pap - Papiamento,
  • pol - Polski,
  • por - Português (Brasil),
  • ept - Português (Portugal),
  • kek - Q'eqchi',
  • quh - Quechua-Bolivia,
  • quc - Quiché,
  • tah - Reo Tahiti,
  • ron - Română,
  • nso - sePêdi,
  • tsn - Setswana,
  • sna - Shona,
  • alb - Shqip,
  • ssw - siSwati,
  • slk - Slovenčina,
  • slv - Slovenščina,
  • sot - South Sotho,
  • fin - Suomi,
  • swe - Svenska,
  • tgl - Tagalog,
  • mri - Te Reo Māori,
  • yap - Thin Nu Wa'ab,
  • vie - Tiếng Việt,
  • tpi - Tok Pisin,
  • lua - Tshiluba,
  • tur - Türkçe,
  • twi - Twi,
  • fij - Vosa vakaviti,
  • war - Waray,
  • quz - Yunkay Quechua,
  • ell - Ελληνικά,
  • bul - Български,
  • kaz - Қазақ,
  • mkd - Македонски,
  • mon - Монгол,
  • rus - Русский,
  • srp - Српски,
  • ukr - Українська,
  • kat - ქართული,
  • hyw - Արեւմտահայերէն,
  • hye - Հայերեն,
  • urd - اردو,
  • ara - العربية,
  • pes - فارسی,
  • amh - አማርኛ,
  • nep - नेपाली,
  • hin - हिन्दी, हिंदी,
  • ben - বাংলা,
  • tam - தமிழ்,
  • tel - తెలుగు,
  • kan - ಕನ್ನಡ,
  • sin - සිංහල,
  • tha - ภาษาไทย,
  • lao - ພາສາລາວ,
  • ksw - ကညီလံာ်ခီၣ်ထံ,
  • mya - ဗမာစာ,
  • khm - ភាសាខ្មែរ,
  • zhs - 简体中文 - 普通话,
  • zho - 繁體中文 - 國語,
  • yue - 繁體中文 - 廣東話,