
A link collector for my personal blog!

Primary LanguageElixir


Linkwaiter is a lightweight server designed to manage a compilation of useful external links (blog posts, articles, almost any educative link). It has a very specific use case of automatically updating a single json file and the corresponding section of my personal blog (TBA).

While this project was written out of necessity, I've taken advantage of it to write and learn Elixir, just for fun.

The http server is implemented in Plug, a minimalistic web server library for elixir.

Dev Instructions

Certain values must be filled in config/dev.secret.exs before running this application in dev mode. Here's a sample file.

import Config

config :linkwaiter,
    session_key: "<Session Key>",
    session_salt: "<Session Salt>",
    admin_username: "<Admin Username>",
    admin_password: "<Admin Password>",
    links_json_path: "<Path to links json file>",
    blog_root: "<Path to blog root in local filesystem>",
    basepath: "linkwaiter"

Then, install dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

Run the application:

$ mix run --no-halt

Run the application in iex:

$ iex -S mix


To build the application for deployment, run:

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release

Then follow the instructions from the above command to get the server up and running.

On distros with systemd, simply set up a systemd service by copying service/linkwaiter.service over to /etc/systemd/system. Note that you must fill out the username and the path to the executable first.

Start the service with:

$ systemctl start linkwaiter