
Bookstack Helm Chart for Kubernetes cluster

Bookstack Helm Chart

Lint Code Base Test and Publish Chart

Local Installation

helm upgrade --install <release_name> . --namespace=<namespace> --create-namespace \
    --set appHost=<www.yourdomain.com> \
    --set appKey=base64:VGhpc0lzQW5FeGFtcGxlQXBwS2V5Q2hhbmdlVGhpcyE= \
    --set azuread.enabled=false \
    --set smtp.enabled=false


appKey must be set to 32-character key. Container would end up in error if not set. App would show An unknown error occurred if set to blank. `

Installation from Repository

helm repo add pacroy https://pacroy.github.io/helm-repo/
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install <release_name> pacroy/bookstack --namespace=<namespace> --values values.yaml