This is a test application for deploying on a Kubernestes cluster with load balancer provider e.g. Metallb and ingress controller e.g. Traefik.
For more information how to use this repository, check out my blog here:
Create namespace, deployment, and service:
kubectl create ns whoami
kubectl apply -f whoami.yml -n whoami
a. Using load balancer (requires metallb for bare metal):
apply -f service-lb.yml -n whoami
b. Using simple ingress:
apply -f ingress.yml -n whoami
c. Using ingress-nginx (requires cert-manager):
apply -f ingress-nginx.yml -n whoami
d. Using Traefik's IngressRoute (requires a certificate resolver):
kubectl apply -f ingressroute.yml -n whoami
Forward HTTP traffic to HTTPS using Traefik's middleware and use Traefik's TLSOption to enforce TLS v1.2+ for HTTPS.
Install Traefik with a TLS challenge certificate resolver using Tarefik Helm chart.
helm repo add traefik
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace traefik
helm install traefik traefik/traefik -n traefik --values values.yml
Create IngressRoute, Middleware, and TLSOption.
kubectl apply -f ingressroute-tls.yml -n whoami
kubectl apply -f tlsoption.yml
kubectl apply -f middleware-https.yml
kubectl apply -f ingressroute-http.yml -n whoami